Audio Recordings

Arthur Douet ~ A Portrait of Your Soul: Arthur Douet Can Paint lt ~ September 4, 1997


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Arthur Douet

A Portrait of Your Soul: Arthur Douet Can Paint lt

September 4, 1997

He speaks to standing-room-only crowds just about everywhere he goes. When he came to the Triangle a few years ago folks crowded in to see him and left abuzz. And, now, he’s coming back to see us again.

Arthur Douet the spiritual artist who walks with the Angels, is the guest speaker at our Sept.4 meeting. In addition he will teach a two-day workshop, Your Power to Create, on Saturday, Sept.6 and Sunday, Sept. 7 in Raleigh. Known around the world for his Soul Portraits, Douet has long been a personal favorite of many in this region of the country. His work can been seen on the cover of many books, including The Healing of Planet Earth by Alan Cohery who had this to say about his artist: “Douet’s gifted, visionary tapestries invite the angelic realm to earth. His sensitive art reminds me of heaven.”

Douet’s work has been featured at spiritual conferences across the country for years, and his Soul Portraits, which he calls a”visual poem of a person” are hanging in houses all over the world. Prior to painting, he stills his mind and enters the inner space of “listening” as Spirits or Angels guide him. He often
begins his work with eyes closed. “My purpose is to express depth and bring to the viewer a sense of the Divine as the Ultimate Reality—everything being
One, and apparent separations mere illusion ” he said. Portraits canbe in charcoal, pastel or oil, and depending on the preference of the client, either realistic or “interpretive.”

‘I attune myself to Essence to allow the expression of the Sacred Breath through my hands,” he said. “The inspiration received brings meaning with message conveyed through symbols and color. They are like notes of music crystallized”.




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