Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer
October 5, 2017
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This promises to be one of the most unique and enjoyable presentations that SFF has had in a very long time. Nikola Tesla is quoted as saying, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” As Universal beings made of cosmic particles ourselves, we are energy, frequency, and vibration in three-dimensional form. Music is energy, frequency, and vibration, therefore it has the capability to reach the depths of the psyche as well as all the multi-dimensional levels that support our bodily existence because it is composed of exactly that which we are. Kelsey Grammar said, “Praying is talking to god; meditating is listening to god; music is both.” Scientists have studied the effects of music on the brain and have proven that music – especially when imbued with a positive message – is one of the few known modalities that lights up the entire human brain. The medical community has described brain functionality in our heart and in our intestines. Combining the multi-dimensional effects on all three of the brain centers in our bodies – thinking, feeling, emoting – one can begin to understand the full body imprint that music inscribes. Join Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer as they deliver a Message in Music that will stir the depths of your spirit and serenade the desires of your soul.
Bob Sima (pronounced sEYE-ma) is to music what Wayne Dyer, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Eckhart Tolle are to books and Rumi, Hafiz, and David Whyte are to poetry. He has been called “Eckhart Tolle with a guitar”. He is a troubadour, a way-shower, a guide, an awakener, and a musical mystic. Through the medium of melody and message, he leads listeners to an expanded consciousness, deeper sense of connection, and inner peace and purpose. His music bridges daily life and soul consciousness, the eternal with the now. He delivers instantly accessible songs that take up residence and resonance in your soul. Bob’s website:
Shannon Plummer is a powerhouse intentional creation coach and shamanic practitioner wrapped in a divine package. Her approach combines spiritual, shamanic, and metaphysical wisdom. Her years on the path of spiritual development started at a very young age. Coupled with her self-reliance, her being-ness has parlayed into an unshakable personal power which is a beacon and a template for her clients. Her energy and presence creates a sacred space for expansion and deepening of what is waiting to be expressed in all who enter her energetic field. Shannon’s website: .