Event Recordings

Emotional Freedom Techniques for Attracting Abundance ~ in Wealth, Health, and Relationships ~ Larry Burk, M.D. ~ April 5, 2007


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Emotional Freedom Techniques for Attracting Abundance ~ in Wealth, Health, and Relationships

Larry Burk, M.D.

April 5, 2007

Is your life as abundant as you would like it to be? Are you disappointed that your positive affirmations don’t always work? Would you like to learn a new approach to eliminating your blocks to success?

While visualizations and affirmations have known benefits, it can be frustrating that for some reason they don’t always work. The best explanation for this failure is a phenomenon known as a “tail-ender”—the “yes, but” response that attaches itself spontaneously, and possibly subconsciously, to your well-intended affirmation and thus undermines your success. According to hypnosis theory, everything that comes before a “but” in a suggestion is negated, so your positive language is often replaced by a more powerful negative tail-ender.

One of the best ways to deal with tail-enders is literally to tap them away using a new energy psychology approach known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which involves self-tapping on the acupuncture meridians while holding a negative thought in your mind. Activating the energy meridians in this fashion deletes the body’s memory of the issue connected to the cognitive memory, allowing anxiety to be replaced by emotional freedom. Once the tail-enders are significantly diminished, then you can tap into the true power of your affirmations.

Larry Burk, MD, brings us an experiential introduction to the use of EFT for attracting abundance in all areas of our lives, including wealth, health, and relationships. In his lecture he will guide you in releasing whatever it is that holds you back from achieving your goals.

As an Associate Professor of Radiology at Duke in 1995, Larry learned hypnosis and imagery techniques to help his claustrophobic patients undergo their MRI examinations without medication. He then went on to co-found the Duke Center for Integrative Medicine, and was the Director of Education there from 1998 to 2004. He completed the UCLA Medical Acupuncture for Physicians Course in 1998 and practiced acupuncture at Duke in the Sports Medicine Clinic and at the Diet and Fitness Center.

In 2004, Larry left Duke to start Healing Imager, Inc., in Durham, where he practices teleradiology and offers EFT consulting in North Carolina and around the world. He learned EFT five years ago when, at the suggestion of popular self-help author Cheryl Richardson, he downloaded a free manual from the World Center for EFT website. He then attended workshops with Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, and with Dr. Carol Look, a hypnotherapist in New York City. Her book Attracting Abundance with EFT is based on Esther and Jerry Hicks’ work in The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, and combines EFT with many of the principles featured in the popular movie The Secret. He assisted Dr. Look with an EFT workshop at the 2005 conference of The National Institute for the Clinical Application for Behavioral Medicine in Hilton Head, South Carolina; and he has led his own EFT workshops at Outcomes, Inc., in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and at the Relaxation Centre of Brisbane, Australia. He offers workshops for clients at the Rice Diet clinic and at Oriental Health Solutions, LLC. Most recently he facilitated a workshop on EFT for abundance and fundraising at the Rhine Research Center, where he is on the Board of Directors.

Learn more about Dr. Burk and his work at his website, www.OrientalHealthSolutions.com.

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