Floyd Darden
Drum Quest: The Healing Power of Drumming
November 6, 1997
From the dawn of existence, man has made sounds for a wide variety of reasons. The powerful, dramatic, soothing sounds of the drum were among the first and have long been recognized as sacred by peoples all over the world.
And the Triangle area of North Carolina is no exception. Drumming circles abound here and across the country-and their numbers are growing, largely due to
the wealth of masters schooled in the sacred practice. One of the country’s top masters, Floyd Darden of Pennsylvania, will share his skill, energy and knowledge with us on the evening of Nov. 6.
Floyd, who began studying drumming as a fifth grader and became a teacher by high school, will outline his use of the drum as an integral part of his spiritual quest and discipline. He will focus on the power of the drum in our physical, mental and emotional well being and as a working tool in the areas of desire, clarity and choice. The drum, he says, is his partner in living a healthy and enthusiastic life.