Event Recordings

How Quantum Physics Explains Energy Healing ~ Dr. Mary Asterita-Robol ~ September 3, 2015



How Quantum Physics Explains Energy Healing

Dr. Mary Asterita-Robol

September 3, 2015 <h4>Audio Preview Clip:</h4>

Video Preview Clip [youtube]http://youtu.be/S6rcl7ptrVA[/youtube]

A former nun, Dr. Mary Asterita-Robol, with a Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics from Cornell plus a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, has spent decades researching the mind-body connection. She was one of the early scientists in the research area now known as biofeedback. Her talks are popular worldwide, and she has spoken extensively on the field of quantum physics. As more scientists have come to accept the role of consciousness (the mind) in their work, Dr. Asterita-Robol has expanded her expertise to include how quantum physics can explain various energy healing modalities.

Dr. Asterita-Robol will show how quantum physics reveals the availability of a vast energy field that is totally within our grasp. This field of energy is very much influenced by our state of consciousness and tied to the art of energy healing. Additional important topics will include the electro-magnetic spectrum and the holographic universe. These topics will be explained in a way that is both fascinating and easily understandable. The entire field of consciousness has been understood by our ancient ancestors for thousands of years, but has not been part of mainstream science until recently. As the research has shown, “genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.” (The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., MD, former Stanford Medical School professor) “Miracles that open the door to a powerful new way of seeing the world, and the science that tells us why the miracles are possible, [reveal that] we are not limited by the ‘laws’ of physics and biology as we know them today.” (The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Greg Braden) “From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between the nations…we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation.

What would it mean to discover that the power to create joy, to heal suffering, and bring peace to nations lives inside of you? How differently would you live if you knew how to use this power each day of your life?” (The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden). Dr. Asterita-Robol will describe the electromagnetic spectrum and its possible extension into the spiritual realms of light, the concept of vibration, and how we relate to a holographic universe. With photographs of paintings by visionary artist Alex Grey, from the Sacred Mirrors Museum in New York City, she’ll also describe the concept of our personal energy fields. With regard to the Spiritual Realms of Light, Dr. Asterita-Robol will discuss the concepts of mutidimensionality, our higher multidimensional selves, our lightbody, forcefields of light, and resonance, all based on the scientific knowledge that has come forth recently. She will emphasize the “inner technology” available to us all, so that we can easily work with these energetic forcefields. The importance of resonance to these higher energetic forcefields of light will also be explained, since they can lead us to self-empowerment and self-mastery. In summary, Dr. Asterita-Robol will tie together our known concepts of the fields of quantum physics and the higher dimensions of light, helping us understand how energetic forcefields empower us to heal ourselves. We are thus reminded why energetic modalities are so effective. We are all Creator Beings, in the midst of a monumental shift in human and planetary Consciousness, creating our future, the future of our planet, and the future of generations to come.

As an added bonus, she will play the “Angel Harp”—an autoharp tuned using channeled angel energies—that is “a profound integration [of] the highest vibration of musical tones and the angelic realms of Universal love and light.” Such harps have been used as healing aids throughout the world. Dr. Mary Asterita-Robol began her spiritual search as a Catholic nun. Since then, her path has led her to studies of math, physics, music, physiology, biophysics and medicine. She has taught and done research at Cornell, Purdue, Yale and Indiana Universities. While in the academic world, she was an international keynote speaker and author of several books that were used as university textbooks. As a physician (D.O.) in Indiana and then in North Carolina, she studied biofeedback, Reiki, Arcing Light, and other healing modalities, and incorporated them into her medical practice. Now semi-retired from medicine, she pursues her interests in music, research, writing, and public speaking. Dr. Asterita-Robol is a very loving and captivating speaker that you will surely want to hear. She consistently receives rave reviews at each of her appearances. To learn more about Dr. Asterita-Robol’s many accomplishments, visit her website at: www.RealmsOfLight.org

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