Audio Recordings

Maureen Temple Richmond ~ Managing the Energies of ’99 ~ January 7, 1999


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Maureen Temple Richmond

Managing the Energies of ’99

January 7, 1999

Maureen Temple Richmond, founder of the School of Esoteric Astrology, will fill us in on what to expect as we go through tbe last year of the millennium.

It hasn’t happened often in the history of human beings —  the end of one millennium and the beginning of another. We stand on the edge of a great body of time-and energy. What will it be like in the coming year as the tensions of one huge segment of time gives way to the pull of the next?

Maurreen Temple Richmond, one of the country’s leading experts on esoteric astrology, is poised to tell us at our next meeting Jan.7. She says she will give us “insights into the energies of 1999 and how to respond to them wisely. Participants will come away able to identify and use these energies for the uplifhnent of the planet.” The January meeting-with its predictions, insights and things to expect and watch for in the coming year-has always been exciting and popular-and this one is definitely in that same pattern. Maureen calls Esoteric Astrology “the astrology of the soul.” It is based on the teachings of Alice
Bailey as is the School of Esoteric Astrology, which Maureen founded last year.

She has been an astrologer for more than 20 years and a student of metaphysics for 25. She has lectured all over the world and has written for several astrology journals. Together with her husband, Dr. Mark McClure, she hosts the Full Moon World Service Meditations in Raleigh and offers instruction in
the Bailey teachings.




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