Audio Recordings

Rev. Denise Schubert ~ 2013: The Enneagram: Insight into Personality ~ Apr 4, 2013


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Rev. Denise Schubert

The Enneagram: Insight into Personality

Apr 4, 2013

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The Enneagram of Personality acts as a kind of mirror to reveal features of our personality that normally are invisible to us and can be extremely useful as a source of self-knowledge. From the Greek words ennea (nine) and gramma (something written or drawn), it is a model of human personality represented by nine interconnected personality types, such as Reformer, Individualist, Peacemaker, and so on. These are represented by the nine points of a geometric figure called an enneagram, which also indicates some of the connections among the types. (Via Wikipedia.)

Join us for a dynamic and entertaining exploration of the enneagram types, sure to invite everyone into a deeper understanding of the Self, with Rev. Denise Schubert. In this fun presentation, you’ll discover:

The language of the enneagram
A good idea of your personality type: Which number are you?
Your “wings,” the numbers on either side of yours that may blend with or influence your type
Your “arrows,” the types you take on in times of stress or strength.

The enneagram can also help you understand your loved ones, your friends, and your community.

Based on an ancient Sufi typology of nine primary roles, and earlier teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, the Enneagram of Personality was principally developed by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, beginning in the 1950s. It is a system of spiritual psychology, with the recognition of one’s type tantamount to a spiritual awakening.

Once real balance has been restored to the personality structure, the enneagram can help us to orient ourselves to the higher spiritual and psychological qualities that each type has in abundance. Thus, at its highest, the enneagram invites us to look deeply into the mystery of our true identity. It reveals that we are not our personality, but something more—a spiritual being who has lost contact with his or her true nature.

Denise is an ordained Science of Mind minister and teacher now in her fourth year as the spiritual director of the Triangle Center for Spiritual Living, where SFF holds our programs. She studied under the renowned Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles; he was featured in the movie “The Secret” and is the author of the transformational book Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential. TCSL is a spiritual-not-religious community that strives to inspire, empower, and educate people so that we might live satisfied and fulfilled lives while also contributing to this world as a beneficial presence. Learn more at



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