Event Recordings

Robert Roskind ~ Staying Hopeful and Positive During the Coming Transitions ~ September 1, 2016



Robert Roskind

Staying Hopeful and Positive During the Coming Transitions

September 1, 2016

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What did these “teachers of love” remember that we can also – and by doing so, change the world: Buddha (Buddhist), Jesus (Jewish), Gandhi (Hindu), MLK (Baptist), Bob Marley (Rasta), Mandela (Methodist), Mother Teresa (Catholic), Tutu (Anglican), Muhammed Ali (Muslim), Mister Rogers (ordained Presbyterian minister), and the Dalai Lama (Tibet Buddhist)? They remembered that a Loving Creator had sent them here to transform all the circumstances into which they were sent through love. And without political, economic or military power, they did. They demonstrated that the power of love, when expressed through us, can overcome great obstacles.

They are the wayshowers and now we, manifesting hundreds of thousands of us, and soon millions, are remembering and transforming the situations into which we are sent. This is how the world will be awakened. It was our Creator’s design all along that after a long and painful “detour into fear,” His/Her children would once again remember their own Divinity. All is on perfect Divine schedule – no matter how it may appear.

Robert Roskind is the author of twelve books that carry a message of unconditional love, several written with Hopi, Havasupai, Mayan, and Rasta Elders. He is also the producer of the record-breaking 1984 PBS series, The Do It Yourself Show, based on his work founding and operating The Owner Builder Center in Berkeley, a non-profit institute that taught people how to design, build and remodel their own passive solar homes.

Since 2002, he has organized and hosted over 200 “One Love Events” in Jamaica, on Native American reservations, prisons, colleges and at public venues in the U.S. All are non-commercial, involve no sponsorship funding and are free to the public. They are non-denominational, apolitical and bring forward a message of universal, unconditional love for all.

Presently Robert operates the Oasis, located inside the Carr Mill Mall, in Carrboro. During the daytime hours, the Oasis operates as a traditional coffee/café/tea/kava lounge. At night, the Oasis transforms into an environment of entertainment, connections and inspiration. On week nights, there are free presentations from local wisdom keepers on life-affirming topics (holistic health, environmental issues, indigenous wisdom, sustainability, etc.). On weekend nights the Oasis hosts Spiritual Cinema/Movies-That-Matter and live music. All events are free.   www.OasisCarrboro.com

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