Event Recordings

Tom Spector, PhD ~ Meditation, Plus How to Cultivate Healing ~ October 6, 2016

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Please Note: Unfortunately, due to technical problems the audio portion of Tom’s presentation was not recorded. As a result, no recordings from this talk are available.

Tom Spector, PhD will lead two meditations, Quieting the Mind and The Heart Center Meditation. Between the meditations he will give a talk titled “How to Cultivate Healing” which will include interactive questions and answers.

This presentation is for everyone, even people who believe they could never meditate. Tom is internationally regarded as a refreshingly effective meditation and healing teacher. People frequently tell him they want to meditate but their mind won’t let them. Whenever they try to sit and quiet their mind, they claim the mental chatter only gets worse. Tom’s message of reassurance is that this is normal and to be expected. In contrast to popular belief, meditation is not a state of mind that we reach when our mind becomes quiet. Meditation is the process we use to train our mind to behave. A trained mind becomes a quiet, efficient mind that functions much better.

You may be surprised to learn that the man considered by many to be the smartest person of all time, Albert Einstein, depended very little on his rational mind. Einstein valued above all his intuition, declaring, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” For most of us however, the very last thing our mind wants to do is serve us. Our minds can be unruly, staying hyper-busy and driving us crazy, jumping around like a monkey to create worry, anxiety, stress and guilt. Minds may produce self-limiting thoughts, along with feelings of blame, anger, greed, hatred and jealousy.

The good news is that with mindTom Spector's book 190x287fulness training our minds will become the wonderful faithful servant described by Albert Einstein. By clear easy steps, Tom will guide us through the process of experiencing the true benefits of meditation. Our minds will become calmer as we discover our Inner Being and see life with new clarity and insight. Tom will also present practical healing techniques for relief from worry, fear, pain and stress, based on Part I of his book, Our Two Gardens: How to Cultivate Healing.

Tom began meditating in 1968 while enrolled in a graduate program at Yale University. With 40 years of experience, his teachings are clear and easy to follow. They combine profound meaning with light humor. Tom has a special gift for helping people resolve troubling issues and restore self-esteem and inner peace. Participants regularly enjoy the benefits of meditation and the healing techniques. Many have life-transforming experiences.

Tom lives in North Carolina with his wife JoAnna who teaches yoga at their studio. Learn more at www.hathahouse.com.

His book, Our Two Gardens: How to Cultivate Healing and CD, Meditation and Healing, will be available at the event at a discounted price with a portion of the proceeds going to support SFF.

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