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Inspirational Messages from Your Guides and Higher Self ~ Tammy De Mirza ~ November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015

Inspirational Messages from Your Guides and Higher Self

Tammy De Mirza

November 5, 2015

Tammy De Mirza is a channel and psychic medium with 45 years of experience in bringing to people the messages and information they need for healing and growth. She is able to serve in whatever capacity works best, including giving evidential messages from loved ones in spirit, reading the energetic field of her clients to identify and release the physical, emotional or mental blockages, offering the direct life advice of a person’s own spirit guides and Higher Self, and speaking from the unconditional love of Source/God, angels, and the ascended masters.

Tammy will begin her presentation with a channeling for the group’s themes for the evening, to touch every audience member uniquely and unmistakably. Then she will allow Spirit to guide her to those individuals for whom she has messages that will not only bring personal healing, but will also continue to address the needs of all in attendance. Tammy has experienced many times this magical ability of Spirit to say just the right words in just the right ways to reach everyone present, and she delights in sharing her connection to divine wisdom. She also enjoys sharing the techniques that empower people to hear and trust their own intuition and inner guidance.

Tammy started receiving clear messages from God/Source at the age of 11, often knowing things about others that no one had told her physically. Throughout High School she was known as “The Counselor” for her abilities to give readings and guidance beyond her years. Her gifts also set her upon the difficult path of learning to integrate and manage such differentness from others, which continued through many years of raising children even as strangers would arrive for her advice. Tammy has studied with several well-known masters, teachers, and mediums, but she continues to rely most upon her own direct divine connection. This knowledge comes to her both upon waking each morning and by visions and teachings throughout the day.

In addition to private consultations, Tammy is also currently developing courses for students of spiritual development. Her hope is to help everyone discover their unique gifts which offer endless abilities to succeed in love and life. To learn more about Tammy and her work please visit her website at www.TammyDeMirza.com

Click Here for Advance Purchase of Recordings for this Event

Angel Door Prize – Free

Tammy De Mirza will donate a 30-Minute Phone Reading valued at $75.

Raffle Prize – $5

There will be two Raffle Prizes as follows:

  • Devon Pelto will donate a 60-Minute Intuitive Holistic Healing Session that will include an intuitive chakra reading, energetic healing, and guidance towards balancing and healing your mind, body and spirit. It is a value of $88.
  • Tammy De Mirza will donate a 30-Minute Phone Reading. It is a value of $75.

Early meditation – free

DevonPelto_smallDevon Pelto
will lead Awakening Your Connection to Your True Self, a meditation that brings awareness to your very own divine unique energy. During this meditation, tethers and cords to others will be dissolved and you will integrate your earthly self with your Truest Self. Through experiencing this meditation, you will communicate with your True Self and walk away with confidence and a new sense of empowerment. No matter what life brings you, these new techniques and affirmations will assist you in keeping your energy clear and 100% the True You!

Devon, with DevOnEarth, is an empathic being bringing playfulnesis and empowerment to the world of healing and empowerment. She offers Holistic Healing sessions that consist of intuitive readings of energy / chakras, energetic healing and coaching towards spiritual & self empowerment. Devon leads a life full of love and passion, as a Wife, Mother, Nutritionist, Reiki Master / Teacher, Ordained Minister, Yoga Teacher and Intuitive Empath. Being an empath, Devon has the ability to know and feel people at a deep level. She uses this to bring comfort and ease to all sessions and is able to dive straight to the root of all dis-ease in one’s life. For more information on Devon, her services and events, connect with her on Facebook.com/devononearth or visit www.DevOnEarth.com.

Interested in the free, early meditation? Click the button below:

Refreshments – free

We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact Info@Spiritual-Frontiers.com.

Tom Hildebrand 315x463

Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand Each month Tom Hildebrand (who is also our official hugger) brings us delicious artesian spring water from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water and you’ll find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.


November 5, 2015
Event Category:


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
3313 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27607 United States


Tammy De Mirza



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