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Venerable Khando from the Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism ~ “Buddhism in a Nutshell” ~ May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015
7:15 pm EDT
- 9:30 pm EDT

$8.00 – $10.00

Venerable Khando from the Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism

“Buddhism in a Nutshell”

May 7, 2015

Like many people, you’ve probably heard interesting things about Buddhism, but didn’t know where to go to find out the facts. Have you heard tantalizing words like dharma and karma and samsara thrown around and wondered what they really mean or why they matter? Would you like to get a quick, clear, and authentic overview of Buddhism without making a big commitment?

Well this presentation is for you! The Speaker,  Venerable Khando from the Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism, will introduce you to the major terms and concepts of Buddhism – a fast tour of the basics to enable you to whatever next steps may be right for you.
Topics covered will include:
• The Four Noble Truths
• A brief history of Buddhism
• Buddha’s teachings in a gradual form for the practice of one individual
• A brief introduction to meditation

Venerable Khando-la studied Buddhist thought for 14 years and ordained in the Gelup tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in December 2013. Prior to becoming a nun, she was a clinical social worker for 30 years.

Angel Door Prize – Free

The Angel Door Prize will be the book Ethics for the New Millennium written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


Ethics for the New Millennium presents a moral system based on universal rather than religious principles. Its ultimate goal is happiness for every individual, irrespective of religious beliefs. Though he himself a practicing Buddhist, the Dalai Lama’s teachings and the moral compass that guides him can lead each and every one of us—Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, or atheist—to a happier, more fulfilling life.

                —from the back cover

Raffle Prize – $5

Susan Melchione is graciously donating our raffle prize this month! Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a 90 minute Intuitive Life Coaching and Energy Healing Session. Value: $111

Early Meditation – 6:30 – 7:00 PM – Free

Location: Clara Barton Room (2nd floor of the old building)

Susan Melchione Photo 8-2014  01.20.15
Susan Melchione, MSW will facilitate a meditation integrated with an exercise to assist with Opening Your Third Eye Chakra! Expect to clear blockages and expand your spiritual intuition during this meditative experience.

Susan is an Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Teacher with 20 years of psychotherapy and spiritual experience. She uses a combination of Life Coaching  and Energy Healing Techniques (Reiki, Archangelic Light, Energetic Cord Cutting and more) to assist you in naturally uncovering and removing anything that blocks your ability to live life to its fullest potential. Susan teaches classes in Meditation, Reiki, Archangelic Light, and a delightfully liberating form of Meditative Movement known as Chakradance.  For more information please contact SusanMelchione@gmail.com or visit www.SusanMelchione.com .

Interested in the free, early meditation? Click the button below:

Refreshments – Free

We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact Info@Spiritual-Frontiers.com.
Tom Hildebrand 315x463

Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand

Each month Tom Hildebrand (who is also our official hugger) brings us delicious artesian spring water from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water and you’ll find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.



May 7, 2015
7:15 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT
$8.00 – $10.00
Event Category:




Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
3313 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27607 United States
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