Messages from Michael
Column One
Archangel Michael channeled through Diana Henderson

This series of columns offers channeled guidance from Archangel Michael on a number of issues. Readers are invited to submit topics on which they seek greater understanding. Questions need to have a universal appeal rather than being personally directed. Diana will channel wisdom from Archangel Michael in answer to inquiries and include in this column.
Question: What do we need to do in 2005 to create more joy, light and healing in our lives?

Channeled Answer - December 9, 2004

I am Michael who carries the Sword of Love and Light. I come in answer to the question you have asked....

As you look into the year ahead and as you move through the darkest time when the sunlight wanes, the time of cold and quiet, the time when you are to seek the stillness, to seek your center, allow yourself to go within to see the flame that burns in your heart, to see the spark of divinity within you.

There is never one single answer, and yet all are in Oneness; so of course the answer applies to all. Yet, each is unique, each spirit here for a particular purpose. And each must play out that purpose as he or she sees fit. Each of you must choose in your own time to align with the Oneness and the highest intention for manifesting your life path upon the Earth. And in these times when the shadows seem most prevalent, it is incumbent upon you to shine inner light to illuminate your way and to align that light, as it is most naturally so, with the understanding and the wisdom of the Higher Self.

How is it possible to align your life? There are many ways. Your spirit leads you along your journey. But in order to see clearly into any of these ways, these paths, the first thing that must be done is to seek cleansing--a cleansing that extends from the spiritual being inward to the physical being and back out from the physical into the spiritual. When one is purged of the energies that prohibit your utmost alignment with and comprehension of your true self, it is much easier to see or know clearly, to find your way into just the perfect circumstance that will assist you most fully.

But beyond this you must understand that even the aspects of the self that live in shadow have been your teachers, even the parts of your nature, your being and your life that remain clouded--these are merely manifestations of your learning experience, and in this sense they too are perfect. Each will be released only when its purpose has been served.

If you have not already begun, it is time to begin the process of seeking the great wholeness that exists at your center. If you already work diligently toward this end, then you are asked to continue and to thrive in this process. In order to fully sense, or begin to align with and remember that wholeness, it is easier if you choose to cleanse yourself and to do so as much as is needed to remain free of the blockages that limit the wisdom, the guidance, the truth, the knowing that lies within you.

So we invite you in this coming year to spend as much time as you will in the process of cleansing, seeking clarity and finding wholeness in whatever way is most appropriate for you. For some it will be to clear from the outside in, for others to clear from the inside out. No matter which of these is chosen, both are helpful, for an inward cleansing brings greater clarity to see what must be cleansed on the outside, and an outer cleansing allows you to look more fully inside.

Therefore, you may choose to begin the process in whatever way resonates with you. You may begin in a way that is of the tangible world by organizing your home, by creating an environment that is in harmony with your truest nature, and allow that change to begin to manifest greater clarity within you. Or you may choose to cleanse in a more energetic way, purging and purifying your energy bodies, and allow that clearing to free your creative and intuitive mind and align your inner being as well as your human aspects with your spiritual nature. Or you may choose to begin with purifying your body and bringing greater health, balance and harmony within that physical being that you are--knowing that as you invite this so it makes a change in every aspect of your nature. A combination of these brings the greatest transformation of all and the clearest illumination. But it is up to each individual person to make this step in whatever way is most appropriate.

Even as you purify, you must remember that cleansing is only a step toward clarity. Cleansing itself frees a part of your being to achieve deeper understanding and insight in alignment with the Divine. But with cleansing comes the responsibility of opening to that guidance, to that wisdom, to that knowing, the invitation to take healing into your own hands, to bring wholeness to all aspects of yourself, to act upon the clarity that you have achieved, to manifest your truth in this world and shine your light ever more brightly.

Without cleansing, the healing, the wholeness, the manifestation--all of these are hampered--so we ask you to begin with purification. We remind you that beyond this you are still invited to welcome the responsibility of healing, of remembering wholeness and inviting light into all aspects of your being. Cleansing and healing go hand in hand. Also, we ask you to accept the responsibility through cleansing and healing of aligning and manifesting your highest intentions in Oneness with the Divine, of shining your light more brightly and with greater affect because you have chosen to cleanse and to heal. One step leads to another and to another and to another.

If you have not yet begun to cleanse, then we invite you to undertake this journey. The human self may require that this is an on-going process, for as blockages have built up over time, as the shadow aspects of being have clouded the light one stratum upon another, so it may be necessary to remove the energetic layers of detritus gradually.

In oneness we call upon you to do these things simply because in your own wholeness, in your own perfection, you send out waves of Light into this world, and those waves touch other waves and extend and expand. And this is the truth of what all of you are called to do--amplify the light, expand the wholeness, so that it touches others and reminds them to do the same.

We bless you in this process. I offer my Sword of Light and cobalt blue-white flame to fuel your progress. I am Michael, and we are the Council of Light.

copyright 2004 L. Diana Henderson

Diana Henderson is an Intuitive/Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Energetic Therapist. She offers clear, inspiring guidance aligned with your Higher Self as well as classes and sessions that empower you to heal and energize your unique Destiny. Contact Diana if you ready to embrace the adventure of living fully as a Light Being in human form, to discover the True Self and to follow your Soul Path! Her practice in Raleigh and Wake County includes multiple alternative modalities--sowing the seeds of Light in many forms-to quicken our journey and illuminate the pathway ahead.

Phone: 919-552-0524



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