Dee Jackson Shell
has walked the path of psychologically grounded
spiritual growth for over 25 years. She has studied both
Eastern and Western
spiritual traditions and works to combine them in a middle
path. She is
currently exploring two important spiritual topics put forth
by the
Planetary guides for our development at this time in our
awakening. The
first is the deepest roots of western spirituality which
can be found in the
Egyptian tradition of religion and magic. The second is
the revelation of
the hidden role of Mary Magdelene in the inner mysteries
of Jesus's
teachings and their secret influences.
Her counseling
work is supported by the palpable presence of her guides.
Dee brings the gift of inspired, insightful and practical
guidance. She has
an established counseling and teaching practice in the Raleigh
area that
includes astrology, tarot, Reiki and more. She can be reached
919-250-9948 or