Event Recordings

Discovering Faerie Energy ~ John S. Springer ~ October 4, 2007


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Discovering Faerie Energy

John S. Springer

October 4, 2007

“Have you ever noticed a flash of light or movement in the corner of your eye? Ever see a spinning or waving leaf while you were walking in a garden? Have you ever stepped into an area that felt enchanting and you just knew that faeries lived there? Are you ready to discover and experience faerie energy?”

John Springer will help you realize your connection to the natural world of faeries, nature spirits, and the many realms of God, seen and unseen. He brings us extensive experience with these realms and with other light energies. He will give you permission to awaken your divine wisdom as you return to the earth, begin to appreciate everything under creation, and stop taking our planet for granted.

The program begins with a guided heart connection meditation to awaken your soul heart—to access it heart to heart, soul to soul, from the inside out rather than the outside in. It is through the soul heart, not the human heart, that we are connected to everything. You will feel this connection as we prepare to be in oneness with all of creation. By sharing stories, exercises, connections, joys, and photos John will remind us that we, too, are co-creators of this world and stewards of the earth. The faeries have been waiting for us to awaken and take responsibility for our role upon this planet.

This “light” program will include a lesson in spiritual house cleaning—how to clear yourself, your home, and your personal items of attached spirits and entities —and you will be invited to share your own experiences.

John felt called to the faerie realm in 2000 and has been creating and presenting faerie programs ever since. He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in landscape architecture, with minors in forestry, art and design, and interior design; this was followed by studies in environmental and science education. In the central Florida area, John has been a director of the Conscious Awareness Network (CAN) and a member of other spiritual groups, including the Gathering of Light Delegates (GOLD), the Green Living Group, Healers Under God (HUG), the Orlando Metaphysical Society (OMS), and the Saturday Night Synergy Group. With his wife, Patricia, he now runs Enchanted Walkabouts, based near Orlando, Florida, and travels widely, planting seeds of awareness, awakening people to their divine wisdom, and showing them their connections to Mother Earth and to the faerie realm.

This is a channeled faerie message from John’s website, www.EnchantedWalkabouts.com: “…We are a group of well meaning souls who kiss the blossoms and put the sun to right on the light. We are a group of souls who laugh and love on wings of energy. We are the love of the earth… We have come to set the blossoms and woodlands free and to energize the countryside with our playfulness and kindness. We can take your soul pain and change it in a flash … ”

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