SFF Board Members

Co-Chairs: Katherine Smart and Smith Primm
Smith Primm 2016 190x269

To contact Katherine or Smith: chairperson@spiritual-frontiers.com

Co-Chair and Acting Zoom Coordinator: Smith Primm

Smith Primm cheerfully helps SFF with various activities. He is serving as co-chair of SFF with Katherine Smart and as interim Zoom coordinator.

Smith can always be found very happily and enthusiastically doing whatever needs to be done to make sure our events go smoothly.

To contact Smith: secretary@spiritual-frontiers.com or publications@spiritual-frontiers.com

Co-Chair and Editor: Katherine Smart

A lifelong spiritual seeker and student of metaphysics, Katherine Smart is a veteran SFF board member, having helped the organization restructure in 1987 and creating its first print newsletter, Lightworks. In September 2017, after about 30 years, she picked up where she left off as the SSF writer/editor and has since stepped into the co-chair role to ensure that SFF continues to shine a light on the community.

Her main role as the Editor/Writer is working with speakers to prepare copy for the website, Meetup, Eventbrite, social media and email newsletter.

She is particularly thrilled to see that the Raleigh organization continues to thrive, using the same monthly Thursday-night speaker format that was put in place so many years ago. After a 30-year career in journalism, public relations and corporate communications with a focus on health care, Katherine is enjoying an encore career as a professional hypnotist. She helps clients become empowered to live the lives they desire through her Pittsboro-based and online business, Imagine That Hypnosis. As certified consulting hypnotist, she served as president of the Carolina Hypnosis Network for the four years (2016-2120). Her lifelong equestrian pursuits have also equipped her to give horseback-riding lessons part time.

To contact Katherine: Editor@spiritual-frontiers.com


Webmaster and Multimedia Coordinator: Kim Kasdorf

Kim Kasdorf has been active in the Raleigh SFF chapter since joining the board in 1988. Kim developed and maintained the first website, worked with Julie Hammer to develop the second website in 2009 and has assumed a much more active role with this, our third and most extensive website. He has served as editor of the newsletter and as SFF chairperson (1992-1996 & 1998) and still does whatever needs to be done to help the chapter. He also serves as the Multimedia coordinator, helping with audio/visuals and editing and posting our talks on YouTube.

With a one time goal of  being a perpetual student, Kim received degrees in teacher education (AA), social work (BA) and general social sciences (MA) and was “ABD” for a Ph.D. in sociology from NCSU. Following the non-linear path of many seekers, after a 16-year stint as a mechanical engineer, he became an architectural designer, completed a second associate’s degree in architectural technology and became a LEED accredited professional as well as a BPI certified energy analyst. He retired in 2013, although he is still available for architectural consulting and design, focusing on residential high efficiency and universal access for private clients.

A spiritual seeker for most of his life, Kim says his significant early influences include Robert Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land, Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha, books by Ruth Montgomery, the Seth books and the complete works of T. Lobsang Rampa, Carlos Castanada and Richard Bach. Balancing right and left brain activities and interests is a continuing challenge, and his passions bounce from fine art to computers; from trucks and chainsaws to acoustic guitar and Persian rugs. Helping Kim to maintain balance is his wonderful and talented wife Pat.

To contact Kim: webmaster@spiritual-frontiers.com or multimedia@spiritual-frontiers.com

Program Coordinator and Treasurer: Eileen Genna

After a long hiatus, Eileen Genna returned in September 2021 to the SFF board of as Program Coordinator, having previously served as Event Coordinator.

Eileen works full-time as the VP of Business Operations at Coleman Insights, where she has been since 1997. For the past decade she has been traveling the world with her metaphysician husband, Vincent, who she has been with for over 48 years. In partnership with Vincent, Eileen encourages, supports, and inspires his audiences off stage, while Vincent enlightens them on stage.

Her personal spiritual journey began over 38 years ago with Vincent, and her mission is to bring love, light and inspiration to everyone she encounters.

During their travels, Eileen has been blessed to have met extraordinary speakers and luminaries. She rejoins the board with the hope of connecting these speakers and their messages with the SFF community.

“I am excited to be part of this amazing organization and look forward to bringing new enlightenment to the SFF community along with continuing to learn and grow,” she says.

Vacant Positions
  • Secretary
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Zoom Coordinator

To inquire about these volunteer opportunities on the SFF Board or to serve as an “Angel” volunteer in another capacity, please contact info@spiritual-frontiers.com.

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Contact our webmaster: webmaster@spiritual-frontiers.com


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