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A Brief History of SFF Publications

Archived Events & Lightworks Archives

For many years the Raleigh Chapter of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship produced a monthly multi-page newsletter called Lightworks. Due to increasing costs of printing and mailing, In October, 2001 we scaled down our printed publication from a newsletter to a one page flyer that was still called Lightworks. Beginning in January, 2004, we discontinued the use of the name Lightworks for our monthly publications and we stopped sending out a monthly mailing in May, 2009. However, we continued producing a monthly flyer which we still hand out at our meetings. These are still considered to be Lightworks publications and are included here for organizational reasons.

In 1999 we developed our first web site and each month, the home page featured the upcoming speaker and wore the Lightworks banner. These old web pages are still available using the links in the table below. The monthly publications are also archived as Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files and links to these files are also in the table below. As time allows, we intend to add pdf files of the older Lightworks newsletters which go back at least to 1988. This is a time consuming process as each old newsletter needs to be scanned, saved as a pdf and indexed.

Beginning in August, 2010 we dramatically changed our web site and began using a new web structure. Links to web pages from the early months (Aug. 2010 – Feb. 2012) of this new web site are no longer available, however the pdf files for those months are still accessible. We began using a new events manager on our web site in March, 2012 and links to those web pages are still available as are the associated pdf files.

In this Lightworks archive there is therefore a mixed bag of things available. For each monthly topic or speaker there may be a link to that month’s web page, a pdf of the flyer or also a link to any recordings (audio or video) which may be available for download and purchase.

Metaphysical Articles

In the years when we produced a monthly newsletter, we routinely included articles written on various metaphysical and healing topics by leading practitioners in each area of interest. When we started our first web site we continued to solicit articles for the first few years and those articles are included on this site. Some really good and timeless topics that are discussed in these articles and it will be worth your time to check them out.

In the future, we hope to add new articles by accomplished practitioners and also to add articles that first appeared only in early editions of our printed Lightworks newsletter.

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