What’s New with SFF

We have the ability for you to purchase audio and video recordings directly online, and you can also purchase tickets for events such as lectures, workshops and private sessions. We are still in the process of adding to our video library, but we do have videos available from August 2013 onward. We also have a very few older videos that will eventually be added to the site. Each video file takes many hours  to upload, and each one requires time-consuming editing before it is ready for distribution, so please bear with us. Audio recordings are available either for download or in physical media, either standard CD or CD MP3 recordings. Video recordings are available as standard DVDs.

We have a very large library of audio recordings on cassette tape from almost all of the lectures we have held going back to the 1980’s. We have now digitized many of them, and they are available through the Archived Events page.

If you find glitches on the site, such as broken links, mis-directs or inaccurate information, or you have suggestions or other comments, we would appreciate having your input. Please email Kim Kasdorf. Thanks a lot and have fun exploring our site.


2017-08-25      It has been quite a while since I updated this page, but over the past few months we have had quite a few changes, primarily to the SFF board. We have experienced a lot of turnover with the departure of our multimedia coordinator, our writer, our social media coordinator, our refreshments coordinator, our secretary, our programs coordinator and our chairman. We have new people in many of those slots, but some are still vacant at this writing. If you think that you would like to become more involved in SFF, perhaps as an angel or possible board member, please contact one of us. See the Board Members page for contact information.

2016-09-01    There is a lot that is new since this page was last updated. We have had some significant changes on the SFF board (please see the Board Members page to see who is currently on the board) and beginning this evening we will be meeting at our new location, the Unity of the Triangle church on Munford Road in Raleigh. The website has had numerous tweaks and we have expanded our presence on social media with very active Meetup and Facebook groups.

2015-12-27  There have been a number of bumps in the road as we switched our website to a new host but we think that the bugs have been pretty much squashed. The biggest issue we have had is with some visitors being blocked from some areas of the site. If you get a message saying you don’t have access privileges or a 403 error, please contact  Kim Kasdorf.

2015-11-2  We have switched our internet host and moved our site. In the process of doing this, a number of links in the site were lost or broken and we are working to identify and repair them. If you find a broken link, please let me know at webmaster@spiritual-frontiers.com. The better news is that the move has greatly improved the speed in loading pages.

2014-11-14   Added Dan Chesbro’s (November 6, 2014) talk & recordings to the Archives.

2014-10-14    Added Beth Owl’s Daughter (October, 2014) talk & recordings to the Archives. Also added skeletal listings for the Jan. & Feb. 2015 talks to the Events list.

2014-09-24    Added information for our November speaker, Dan Chesbro. We also have two new board members. Curt Schroeder is our new writer and Devon Pelto is our new Social Media Coordinator.

2014-09-08    Archives are up to date with pdfs, audio & video for August and September presentations.

2014-07-31    The September lecture page has now been updated.

2014-07-23      Over the last few weeks I have been adding to the Archives. This is a slow process, but at this time pdfs of our old Lightworks newsletters are loaded back to 1997. I hope to soon have quite a few more uploaded. I have hard copy files available back to 1989 and eventually the will all be available. Along with these I also have made available audio files of the majority of these old talks that have been uploaded to date and some of them are great. Much credit goes to our Resource person who does not wish to be named, for converting a huge number of cassette recordings to digital MP3 files. We don’t, at this time, have preview clips available for most of these old recordings. Also, I have added summary information for our September and October speakers.

2014-06-04    Updated the August write-up. Also, over the past few weeks I have been doing almost daily updates for the Psychic and Healing Fair that I have not indicated on this page.

2014-05-18   More updates on the Psychic Fair and added the last two presentations (Larry & Arlene Green and Philip Young) to the Archived Events section.

2014-05-11  Amy Simpson is back as our Writer and Social Media person. Also, the Event page for our Psychic and Healing Fair has been updated with all of the practitioners we know of at this time. We still hope to add a few more, so keep checking back. Finally, we now are a presence on Google+.

2014-03-30 Updated Susan Melchione’s bio. Amy Simpson, who has been our writer for many years will continue her involvement with SFF as an Angel at our admissions table as well as several other tasks while we look for a new writer.


Big News!

Beginning with the May lecture (Philip Young), we will be holding our events at our old home, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh (UUFR). It is located at 3313 Wade Avenue and there is plenty of free parking in the church parking lot. We will be there for May and June, but we are as yet uncertain where we will be after that.


We just found out that the Triangle Center for Spiritual Living is losing their lease at the end of April. This means that they, along with SFF have an immediate need to find a new meeting location. If you know of a suitable location, such as a church or vacant office spaces that would be suitable for a church (and SFF) to meet, please send me an email and I will pass on the information to TCSL. Update 2014-03-13, We expect that TCSL will notify us of the new location within the next few days. As soon as I know where it is I will post the updated information.
2014-03-13 Moved the scheduled May speaker, Rita Strauss Berkowitz, to April, 2015. Added the new May speaker, Philip Young, PhD.
2014-02-08 Added our February speaker, Sherrie Dillard, to the Archived Events list and added her recordings to the products available for purchase.
2014-02-07 Changed the venue for upcoming events from TCSL to 4900 Waters Edge Drive. This is actually the same location, but discussions with several of the attendees at last night’s talk revealed that many people thought that SFF was affiliated with the Triangle Center for Spiritual Living when we are not. SFF leases the meeting space from TCSL and has a strong kinship with them but there is no other affiliation.
2014-01-28 Added our September, 2013 speaker, Diane Brandon to the Archived Events list.
2014-01-27 Updated the products listings for speakers from August, 2013 through January, 2014 to include all available recordings, audio & video.
2014-01-24    Updated the information for our April speakers, Larry and Arleen Green.
2014-01-22    I have added the pdf files for the 1999 lectures. Back then, we published a monthly newsletter called Lightworks. In addition to the write-ups about the speaker, each issue contained several short articles on various topics. All of the articles under the “Metaphysical Articles” tab above (under the Archives tab) once appeared in the printed editions of Lightworks, but there are many other articles that were published that I don’t have the doc files for and are not listed in the Metaphysical Articles section. My plan is to upload pdf files for the Lightworks issues going back to 1988. After that is done, I hope to be able to convert many of the articles to Word files and list them as Metaphysical Articles. In the meantime, you may find it well worth your time to browse the old Lightworks newsletter files as there are some real gems in many of those issues.
The biggest new thing is our new web site which we launched on January 14, 2014. It has been many months in the making and we will be continually adding to it and refining it as we go along. We all hope you like it. We have tried to keep all of the old content from the previous web sites, but we have a lot more new functionality.
2014-01-21    Added this page, updated info for February and March speakers.


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Problems with this website?

Contact our webmaster: webmaster@spiritual-frontiers.com


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