Audio Recordings

Barbara Lane ~ Echoes from the Past: Can today’s problems and attitudes be traced to the past. . . . the distant past? ~ March 5, 1998


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Barbara Lane

Echoes from the Past: Can today’s problems and attitudes be traced to the past. . . . the distant past?

March 5, 1998

Barbara Lane, an expert in Past liife work, says the answers might surprise you…and might just help you, too!
Sbe will he speaking March 5 and teaching a workshop March 7.

Why did Helen trim her Barbie doll’s hair, trade her gown for a  simple tunic and call her Joan of Arc? Why did Rob insist on wearing a Civil War cap in his first grade class picture?

Step back in time as you listen to past-life accounts about re-enactors who were regressed back to the Civil War and Medieval periods. Observe how the past bleeds into their 20th-century lives and see how you can trace clues to your own modern-day motivations. Observe clues to your own past as well as past life influences that affect the choices you make today.

Barbara Lane, Ph.D., a Clinical Hypnotherapist in private practice, was trained by some of the foremost regression therapists in the United States. She is a member of the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapies and author of Echoes from the Battlfield and Echoes from Medieval Halls. Her books have been featured on the Sightings TV program, PBS’ Going Places and on news shows in Boston, Philadelphia and Washington DC. Her work has also been featured in the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and the Village Voice. She is also a frequent guest on radio talk shows and more recently, Howard Stern.

In her practice, Ms. Lane combines alternative and traditional healing techniques. She is a Reiki Master and Intuitive Counseloq, and her work
incorporates the Mind/Body connection. She received her Ph.D. in Metapsychology and an M.A. in Metaphysics from Westbrook University,
New Mexico; a B.A. in History from Mercy College, Michigan; and an A.A. in Telecommunications, Cuesta College, Califomia.



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