Audio Recordings

Barbara Lane ~ Discover Your Past Lives: A Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle ~ Apr 7, 2011


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Barbara Lane

Discover Your Past Lives: A Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle

Apr 7, 2011

Present-day clues to your past lives may be lurking in your closets, bookshelves, or travel plans.

Embark on a fun, fresh paradigm for discerning your own past lives, and those of the people in your life, with past-life regression therapist Dr. Barbara Lane.

With a combination of lecture, humor, and lively, insightful interaction with audience members, she will lead us on a journey of discovery. As you see your own past-life clues, you’ll be able to piece together your personal past-life puzzle and uncover deep-seated reasons for the choices you have made.

Do you wonder about the main features of your life: for example, the work you chose, where you live, who you married? Your past lives may provide some of the answers. Edgar Cayce said, “Any impelling interest very probably streams from activity in a previous lifetime.” Were John Wayne’s cowboy roles good acting, or remembering? Did you grow up on a farm but crave the big city? Do certain paintings, sculptures, art works, or artifacts haunt you? Was Cher a past-life fashion queen? What’s in your closet? Is your favorite movie meaningful to you because it evokes a past-life memory? Have you gone somewhere new and found that you knew your way around? Were President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky compelled to re-enact some past-life “palace intrigue”? Is your claustrophobia the result of having been imprisoned or buried alive?

While helping you identify your clues, Barbara will share highlights of her research with Civil War and Medieval-era re-enactors, the easily identified past-life clues they demonstrate in daily life, their past life regressions, and her historical research. The last time she spoke for SFF, she was fresh from her research into Civil War re-enactors and arrived decked out in authentic period
garb. Her talk on this newer material promises to be equally lively and audacious!

Her latest book is 16 Clues to Your Past Lives: A Guide to Discovering Who You Were, and it is with the help of these clues that she’ll direct our journeys. We’ll be aided also by her research for two earlier books: Echoes from the Battlefield: First-Person Accounts of Civil War Past Lives and Echoes from Medieval Halls: Past-Life Memories from the Middle Ages. These books
and her CDs will be available for sale, with a portion of the proceeds going to support SFF.

Barbara Lane, PhD, is a clinical hypnotherapist, empowerment coach, and Reiki Master on staff at the Center for Integrative Healing connected with George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC. She has trained with some of the foremost regression therapists in the United States and is a member of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapy.
In addition, she conducts spiritual workshops, retreats, and cruises in North and Central America on regressions, soul growth, using the power of the subconscious, and healing powers. She has degrees in history, metaphysics, and metapsychology.

Learn more about Barbara and her work at

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