Audio Recordings

Dan and Rio Watson ~ Healing With Sound ~ Feb. 6, 1997


SKU: 20100805 Category:


Dan and Rio Watson

Healing With Sound

Feb. 6, 1997

People across the world are learning how to honor and use sound as a sacred form of healing and communication -and so will you after experiencing Dan and Rio Watson at our Feb. 6 meeting.

Utilizing the voice to produce healing sound vibrations is an ancient and powerful modality for healing of self and to help yourself more effectively adapt and function in harmony and alignment with each other and the Earth’s energy grid system. Dan and Rio use lttHa-Cfti in their work, a powerful system for healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit through the balancing and integration of energy centers within the human energy field. Toning or making vocal sounds does not require any singing or musical ability. By aligning yourself with the sacred energy of sound, movement, and meditation you learn how to create an expanded vortex of healing energy and light, Dan says.

Dan and Rio, co-directors of the InHo-Chi lnstitute, teach energy healing & sound healing workshops nationwide. Rio, who recently became the chapter’s Progratns Director, is an energy healeq, a licensed Science of Mind Practitioner and rebirther. Dan is a doctoral candidate of behavioral medicine and is currently doing research on complementary medicine, the quantum physics model of healing, and the widespread integration of energy healing into the mainstream of healthcare. Dan is also an energy healeq, massage, and bodywork healer.




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