Diane Brandon & Bernie Ashman
Changing Consciousness Paradigm: Your Unlimited Vista is Around the Corner
September 7, 2017
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Those of us interested in spirituality and metaphysics strive to open up and learn more about spirituality. At times, we may be viewing spiritual matters from our human perspective and consciousness.
Where is consciousness headed? We know that we’re experiencing a massive paradigm shift as we move from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius which affects our attitudes and mindsets. Is consciousness shifting along with this paradigm shift? If it is, what is it shifting towards and how can we play a part in the shifting awareness?
Two spiritual teachers will present their thoughts with an intuitive perspective and an astrological one.
Diane Brandon, Integrative Intuitive Counselor, Teacher, and Author, will speak to her sense of where consciousness has been and where it is headed. She’ll share a historical perspective and how consciousness has already been shifting, along with the triggers for change that we’ve been seeing for several decades now. She’ll also share what the Born Aware phenomenon, an amazing phenomenon that hasn’t been widely discussed or studied, is and how it is playing a role in this shift. Some of this information comes from her new book, Born Aware: Stories & Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth.
Diane Brandon is the author of the new, ground-breaking book, Born Aware: Stories & Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth, as well as an Integrative Intuitive Counselor, Teacher, Speaker, and Mentor. She’s also the author of four other books. Her work is focused around facilitating personal and spiritual growth using her intuition, individualized guided meditation, regression, dream interpretation and dream work, and customized exercises. She is a “born aware” herself, is originally from New Orleans, and is a Duke alum and the product of educational programs for the gifted. Her website is and she may be contacted at
Bernie Ashman, a practicing Astrologer is the author of several astrology books. His talk will focus on the major astrological cycles that in his opinion are right now guiding us into ways to explore creative opportunities as this new consciousness shift occurs. For some of us, this could be an exciting time for reinventing ourselves. We could awaken to altered perceptions as shown by the empowering astrological dance of the planets and the zodiac signs. It is an exhilarating time for rewiring our minds to ride the waves of this new energy toward fulfilling paths. Relaxing and tuning into this time in our history is within our grasp. There is a push from the universe to challenge ourselves to embrace ideas that might bring us to enter new relationships, careers, move to new geographical locations, and to replenish that sacred soul within us.
Bernie Ashman is a professional astrologer who has been practicing for over 35 years. He is the author of six astrology books including Intuition and Your Sun Sign. His books have been translated into other languages. Bernie has lectured throughout the United States and is internationally known. He has authored the astrology interpretations for several written software programs that are sold throughout the world. Bernie invented the Past Life Astrology Chart. A written report of “your” Past Life Astrology, based on this chart, can be ordered at his talk and will be emailed to you. His website is: