Dr. Jerry Pittman
Spiritual Medicine is Here
April 1, 1999
A medical doctor in general practice, Jerry Pittman is also a”medical intuitive” who can sense what is wrong with a patient. He says you can do it,too.
We all have an Internal Sense that can tell us what we need to know about our health, Dr. ]erry Pittman says. He learned to listen to his, and, he says, we can learn to listen to ours.
But, what, exactly, is the Art of Healing? What is the function of a healer, and what are some of the essential elements of healing? Dr. Pittman, a MD in general practice at Tremont Medical Center in Raleigh, will answer these questions and more at the April 1 meeting. He’s not like any doctor you/ve ever met. He’s a medical intuitive who can sense what is medically wrong with a patient by just listening to them. He has an “internal voice” which assists him in making diagnoses.
He is not particular about what people might call the voice: a counselor, the holy spirit, a guardian angel, a higher self. His gift is being able to tap into it to guide himself and his patients towards a healthier life. He says we all have this internal sense-that everyone knows on some level what is wrong with them and what they need to do to fix it. For him, he says, this “knowing” is very strong, and he perceives it as a voice, but he is quick to point out that others may perceive it differently.
When he sees patients, he listens very carefully to them, but not just to the words they speak. As he says, people tell him things on a lot of different levels, and he “senses” the message by paying close attention to all of the levels. Then he makes a diagnosis and a recommendation. Sometimes he has to be very careful about how he approaches using his gift, especially when he senses something serious. Other times he is comfortable just blurting it out.
Dr. Pittman who frequently cites Edgar Cayce, will explain the Art of Healing, and how we can tap into our own healing energy. He said he will help us lean to decipher the voices in our own head.