Event Recordings

Gary Zukav, Author of “Seat of the Soul” ~ Gary Zukav ~ October 4, 1994


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Gary Zukav, Author of “Seat of the Soul”

Gary Zukav

October 4, 1994

On Tuesday, October 4, 1994 at 7:30, we have the great pleasure of presenting a special speaker … Gary Zukav, author of Seat of the Soul and The Dancing Wu Li Masters.

Gary is the nationally known speaker that we are bringing to you through the proceeds of our fundraising efforts.  We have deliberately kept the admission price low to allow attendance to all who desire to hear him speak.

Please note that this special program will occur on Tuesday, not on Thursday, our usual meeting night, and will be held at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church at 1801 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC, not at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.  The admission charge for this special program will be $10, and since advance tickets will not be sold, we advise you to arrive early to get a good seat!  Doors will open at 6:30.

Gary’s two books have sold over a million copies, and have been translated into twelve languages.  He on the Council of Elders, Native American Earth Ambassadors, and the board of advisors of Earthsave, The Global Intuition Network, and the Humanity Federation.  He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and recipient of the World Business Academy Pathfinder award.  He has served on the editorial board of East-West Review; Business News for the Perestroika Era and the Literary Advisory Board, Earth Day, 1990 and as chair of the Government and Politics Strategy Group of the Campaign for the Earth.  He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in International Relations and was a Special Forces officer in the United States Army with Viet Nam service.

From his biography, you can see that Gary is focused on service to the Earth and her people.  One of his greatest gifts to us is to make complex ideas understandable and accessible to the lay person.  Do yourself a favor and read one or both of his books.  Then give yourself an even greater gift and join us to hear Gary speak.  Copies of his books will be available for sale, and he has agreed to an autograph session of about 20 minutes following the lecture.

Mark this on your calendar now: Gary Zukav, speaking at 7:30 on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1994 at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. We look forward to seeing you there.

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