Event Recordings

Larry and Arlene Green ~ Healing Physical and Emotional Pain through Kinesiology ~ April 3, 2014


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Larry and Arlene Green

Healing Physical and Emotional Pain through Kinesiology

April 3, 2014

Arlene has taught Touch For Health (TFH) since 1981, and has been a speaker at many conferences, including Energy Psychology (ACEP), ISSSEEM, NICABM, Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, and TFH conferences worldwide. She is the author of three books: Top Ten Pain Releasers, Specific Neuromuscular and Energy Reset Technique, and Emotional Repatterning.

Larry has been teaching TFH since 1996 and is a former President of the National Touch for Health Kinesiology Association. He co-founded the award winning Commonweal Cancer Help Program in Bolinas, Ca. and the Cornucopia Cancer Support Center of Chapel Hill. He is the developer of Kinesiology for Horses, Energy Medicine for Pets, and the Miracle Workers Training.

The Greens are co-directors of the U.S. Kinesiology Training Institute in Chapel Hill and two of the leading instructors in Touch for Health Kinesiology. Learn more about the Greens and their work at www.USKinesiology.com.

Tonight’s speakers, Arlene and Larry Green, will look at pain from an energetic model and how kinesiology as a body biofeedback tool can be used to individualize, identify and release imbalances on all these levels. See how a systematic approach, integrating acupuncture principles, simple hands-on techniques, muscle testing and intention, can balance you to become your true Self. You don’t have to be psychic or highly intuitive to use and benefit from this amazing skill.

From this talk you will be able to take home practical skills that you can use to release your stress responses and more productively address life’s challenges. Discover breakthroughs in hands-on energy technology allowing you to more easily walk the spiritual path with practical feet.

The presentation and demonstrations will include:

  • Balancing subtle energy fields
  • How to break the reactive cycle of emotional pain and body memory with Neurovascular Balance.
  • How to self-test
  • The importance of intention in the healing process
  • How kinesiology can be used to protect you from picking up other people’s pain.

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