Event Recordings

Lauren Jubelirer ~ “Turning of the Ages” with Shamanic Astrology ~ April 2, 2015



Lauren Jubelirer

“Turning of the Ages” with Shamanic Astrology

April 2, 2015

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If you thought you knew astrology, think again! There is no doubt that the movements of the heavens can greatly affect our lives here on Earth. And now from her 27 years of experience as a shamanic healer and acupuncturist, Lauren Jubelirer will introduce you to a whole new way of understanding your destiny in the universe, by the wisdom and insights of Shamanic Astrology.

We are currently in the midst of the most significant collective astrological cycles of our Time. Shamans from many different cultures refer to this time as the “Turning of the Ages”—the beginning and end of a 26,000-year cycle. Scientists know this as the precession of the equinoxes, a complete turn in the tilt of the Earth’s axis often called the Great Year. Shamanic astrology works with the most ancient archetypes to help you determine your soul’s purpose in the context of the Turning of the Ages. What was your intention for this lifetime? How did you want to evolve, and how did you want to help the planet to evolve? By understanding your Shamanic Blueprint, you can activate your soul’s essence and contribute to the global awakening of human civilization which is happening Now.

In this highly informative talk you will learn:

• How we know we are at the “Turning of the Ages”, and how to navigate this time to accelerate our spiritual growth.
• How to consciously participate in the current cycles of change for best health and success, including the highly transformative Pluto/Uranus square of 2015.
• How to identify the four main archetypes you’re working with in this lifetime, including: your Soul Lineage of innate gifts, your Emerging Feminine or Masculine where you long to be known, your Current Life Mystery School that offers your leading edge of growth, and your Fastest Path to Fulfilling Life Purpose for the kinds of activities that will help you most.

Lauren Jubelirer currently lives and works in Chapel Hill, NC. She is cofounder of Your Living Blueprint, and she provides healings, readings, and teaching experiences that bring new life to ancient mysteries. She also hosts monthly Bliss acupuncture and sound healing events at her home.

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