Event Recordings

Lee Lawrence – Life as Spiritual Beings Having a Physical Experience


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Due to Inclement Weather, This Lecture, originally scheduled for September 5, was Postponed Until Sunday, Sept 15, 2019.

6:30 pm – 7:00 pm – the early FREE guided meditation by Lisa Litzsinger

7:15 pm Lee’s lecture begins. Come early and bring a friend!

Always welcomed by SFF as an exceptional and enthusiastic speaker, Lee Lawrence of Chapel Hill will detail the development of the human soul, including human consciousness of which it consists and the physical body it occupies on Earth.

Lee is often referred to as ā€œThe Man Who Reads Souls.ā€ That is because he is able to perceive the details of other peopleā€™s psyches. His talents include distinguishing, as physical, the stored thoughts and memories relating to a personā€™s life history, including experiences going all the way back to conception. He likens his vision of the human soul to an X-ray of human bones.

Through Leeā€™s awareness of human consciousness as a physical object, he will provide an expanded understanding of the soulā€™s developmentā€” both when occupying the physical body and when apart from it. Lee will also explain various paths to enlightenment.

Questions Explained and Demonstrated

  • Why are we here in these physical bodies?
  • What happens at birth and death?
  • What determines gender identity and sexual attraction?
  • Why did my soul choose to be born to these parents?
  • Why is there pain and suffering in life?

Lee says he will provide a ā€œRoadmap of Soul Developmentā€ to help audience members discover where they are and what experiences lie ahead on their individual paths. He says that being aware of this roadmap will help them avoid ā€œFear–the greatest obstacle we encounter on our life path.ā€

More About Lee

Ever since his near-death experience 30 years ago, Lee has been able to perceive the stored memories of other people as physical to his perception of reality, thus earning him the description as someone who ā€œreads souls.ā€ During this time, Lee has studied psychology, neuroscience and religions to ground his expanded perception of reality in current scientific understanding of the human physical body and how it interacts with the human psyche. His studies have combined these specialized fields into one unified body of knowledge, without discounting the evidence of current research and understanding.

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