P.M.H. Atwater
Children of the New Millennium
September 2, 1999
P.M.H. Atwater; whose research into the Near Death Experience bas spanned two decades, says her new research witb children will change your view of the NDE phenomenon.
Children have near death experiences (NDE), too, but the way they experience it is much different-startlingly different than adults, according to new research by P.M.H. Atwater, Lh.D.
She says the differences, which she details in a new book due out this fall, are major enough to change the way we view the phenomenon. And, she plans to reveal some of her findings at the Sept.2 meeting. In addition, she will discuss the four types of near-death experiences; the spread of after effects; learning reversals; music and genius; creative intuitives; pre- birth and pre-earth memories; the power of prayer and the unusually high rate of alcoholism and attempted suicides from child experiencers.
The three very different types of subjective light will also be mentioned along with the “shadows” inherent in “otherworldly journeys.” Atwater will also unveil the elements of a second birth-what seems to happen to child experiencers-and what it implies about the “engine” of evolution and the new “root race,”
Atwater, a survivor of three separate NDE experiences, is the author of several books on the subject, including Beyond The Light. Her work has been written about in many magazines over the years, and she has appeared many times on local and national television, including Larry King Live, Geraldo, Regis &
Kathy Lee, Sally Jessy Raphael and Entertainment Tonight.
While she’s here, she will attend two book signings and be available for private consultations as well. On Saturday, Sept.4, she will teach a workshop titled Transformative Consciousness from noon until 6 pm.