Event Recordings

Ray Johnston ~ A Planetary Right of Passage ~ November 3, 2016



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Ray Johnston, with over 25 years traveling the world as a healer and teacher, will share his unique healing abilities, personal experiences, and multi-cultural insights for implementing personal growth and deep meaningful change as our planet struggles through a “Rite of Passage.” Dramatically affecting both human and planetary consciousness, this personal and planetary crisis calls for transformation on deep levels of consciousness that has never been experienced in the history of our species.

Ray’s presentation at SFF will include a multi-media assisted interactive talk and demonstration of the energetic challenge, and tools for, personal and planetary healing.

Ray is an authentic, uniquely experienced, and internationally respected healer and teacher who conducts public presentations and private healing sessions worldwide.

His healing abilities and spiritual path began at a very early age, and he has been traveling the world, offering a lifetime of experience to assist others from many world cultures and societies to heal and awaken. This has shaped his unique perspective and methods of teaching and healing.

Born in a rural area of North Carolina, Ray’s connection to and awareness of Spirit and Nature began very early. Utilizing his Awakened Sense Perceptions, Direct Knowing, and also assisted by his evolved awareness of Spirit Guidance, he acts as a channel and a catalyst for powerful multidimensional vibrations.

By the age of 12, Ray was well aware of his high sense perceptions and was already drawn to begin healing others in the community where he lived in North Carolina. By 15 he was already deeply committed to a spiritual path and consciousness work after a personal vision that has guided him to this day. At 17 he was providing readings and channeling for adults whose loved ones had crossed over. At the age of 19 Ray had a very personal, transcendental, healing experience that changed his life and finalized his commitment to his life’s purpose as a healer.

For the past 7 years he has been living in Mexico and Miami. He was co-founder and Director of a healing center in Guadalajara named Sammasati. Before that he lived in Ojai, Calif for 11 years as manager of a spiritual retreat center called Meher Mount.

Ray has presented his teachings on energy healing in universities, Naturopath Colleges and Massage schools throughout the US. He has been a featured speaker on TV and radio around the US, and given talks, workshops, and private sessions to thousands around the world.

In addition, Ray’s abilities extend to providing healing assistance for animals along with many levels of planetary energies and consciousness. Ray has worked internationally with many wild and domestic animal species, both as a conservation/preservation professional and through his unique healing skills.

Ray gave the Emancipating the Healer Within presentation for SFF in December 1996.

Learn more about Ray and his work at  www.RayJohnstonInternational.com

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