Audio Recordings

Ruth Hamilton ~ Laughing Our Troubles Away ~ December 3, 1998


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Ruth Hamilton

Laughing Our Troubles Away

December 3, 1998

Ruth Hamilton, a nationally known expert in the field of health and humor, says laughing a lot can heal you.

With all the discoveries and research that has taken place in recent years, we know today that laughter is, indeed, “the best medicine.” But, just how far does that go? How, exactly, does laughter work in the healing process? And, just how important is it?

While there are answers that science can’t give us just yet Ruth Hamilton of Durham, an expert in the field of health and humor who is devoting her life to healing through laughter, will be here Dec. 3 to bring us up-to-date — in an interactive presentation — what is known today about the physical benefits of laughter and humor. In addition to a scientific exploration of humor and the four humor archetypes-the clown,  jester, wit and fool, Ms. Hamiltion whose work is chronicled in the book Biology of Hope by Norman Cousins, will lead us in humor visualizations that have an amazing power to diminish stress and promote general good health.

Executive Director of Carolina Health and Humor Association (Ha Ha) since 1986, Ms. Hamiltion directs the famous laugh Mobile Program which works with cancer patients at Duke University Medical Center. Her work has been featured in Prevention Magazine, on National Public Radio and the NBC Nightly News.
Carolina Ha Ha, a non-profit service organization is dedicated to the use of humor as a healing technique in health care, a sustaining force in the business world and a means of life enhancement at home.




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