Sharon McEachern
Living Co-Creatively with Nature
May 7, 1998
Sharon McEachern of Virginia will help you find ways to connect with Spirit and align with the 5th dimension at the lecture May 7 and
Workshop May 9.
Sharon, co-creator of Light Expression Essences of Virginia has been working co-creatively with Nature fot 12 years. Building Energy Gardens, doing Earth Healing and co-creating a full line of Mineral, Flower and Nature Essences are just a part of the work she is doing with Spirit at Light Expression Farm in Woodstock, Virgrnia, Much of the energy and focus at the Farm has to do with humanity’s relationship to Spirit and the 5th Dimension–how to heal all
levels of ttre body in order to bring in and integrate more of the Christ Spirit Body Awareness within our conscious minds and bodies.
Sharon will talk about connecting with Spirit and working co-creatively with Nature. She will also discuss how to align your physical body and light body with the 5th dimension. Information on tools to assist in this Process and how to use these tools will be apart of the focus. She will be available for consultations while in the area.
In addition, she will teach a workshop, Living Co-Creatively with Nature / Moving into the 5th Dimension on May 9 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The cost is $60 for advance registration and $75 at the door.