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It is not unusual for people to want to communicate with their loved ones after they pass over. But the question is, is it possible?
Sherrie Dillard, an internationally renowned psychic, medium, medical intuitive and best-selling author, will help us discover how we all continue our soul’s journey after death and how we can communicate with our departed loved ones.
Upon leaving the physical body, Sherrie says the soul goes through three initial phases, which she calls “Going Home, Life Review and Oneness.” Sherry will discuss each phase.
In the first phase of “Going Home,” she will discuss what a loved one experiences when they go over and the common ways that the departed soul intuitively reaches out to us. In the beginning stage, she notes that our grief and confusion over a loved one’s passing may make an intuitive connection more difficult. However, she affirms that the deceased are close, and she will discuss the common ways they seek to get our attention.
During the second phase, “Life Review,” Sherrie says our loved ones become aware of, feel and better understand the significance of their choices and actions in this life and how it affected those they love. In this phase, she continues, those of us in the physical world often receive intuitive insights into the purpose of the relationship as well, and our intuitive connection provides guidance that is often enlightening and healing.
According to Sherrie, in the third phase, “Oneness,” our loved ones become aware of the vast opportunities for growth, healing, joy and creativity in the spirit realm. In this phase they may guide, watch over and comfort us. However as our intuitive communication with them changes and deepens, we may wonder if our loved ones are still with us. Not only are they close, she says, they are more integrated within our heart and soul and become a part of us. Sherrie will discuss how to intuitively recognize their influence in our day-to-day lives.
Along with her talk, Sherrie will give a few messages to the audience from their loved ones on the other side, as time permits.
About Sherrie Dillard
Sherrie Dillard is an expert at helping others develop and understand their intuitive and spiritual gifts. She has given over 50,000 readings worldwide and has been featured on radio and television for her innovative books and her work as a psychic detective, medical intuitive and medium.
Sherrie is the author of the best-selling books, Discover Your Psychic Type, You are a Medium, and Sacred Signs and Symbols, as well as five other books that have been translated into nine languages. Sherrie has developed a popular and easy way to understand and develop intuition and medium abilities through psychic types.
Sherrie has a M.Div. in New Thought pastoral counseling and is an ordained New Thought minister. Her passion for the fusion of intuition, spirituality and conscious self-growth has made her a popular speaker and teacher at retreats and conferences both nationally and internationally.
Originally from Massachusetts, Sherrie has made Durham her home for the past 25 years.
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