Stephanie Massengale
Channeled Messages and Mediumship
May 3, 2012
In a manner similar to those of Esther Hicks with Abraham, or Lee Carroll with Kryon, Stephanie Massengale will channel loving messages from a five-member, fifth-dimensional council of representatives from other realms—the Arcturian, Sirian, Pleadian, Alpha Cetaurion, and Orion star systems.
Stephanie has had intuitive and empathic abilities since her childhood in the 1960s, but they were not well understood and not developed. A near-death experience—her second—in 2006 reawakened these abilities in her and set her on the path to using them professionally. On a spring day in 2007, an encounter with a non-verbal three-year-old autistic child altered Stephanie’s life: He walked into her classroom and asked, telepathically, “So, can you explain this talking thing to me? Because I just don’t get it.” This is the moment, she says, that she became aware of the amazing joy she would find in helping others. She began seeing clients the following year.
The talk will begin with messages channeled for the audience as a whole. The areas addressed will include insights about the year 2012 and its significance, and otherwise will depend on the flow of energy in the room. During the second half of the presentation, the focus will shift to individuals in the audience. Depending again on the energies present, and her own intuitive sense, Stephanie may select audience members to ask questions, or may be directed by guides to deliver messages to particular individuals. It’s usually the case, though, that even such personalized messages will be surprisingly relevant to others in the room. If you’re interested in asking a question or receiving a message, sit near the front, she advises.
Trained by the likes of Michael Bernard Beckwith and Sonia Choquette, Stephanie is an intuitive life coach and empath who does life plan readings, giving clients information from the plans they made before coming into this experience. She is a clear and open channel who is able to communicate with her clients’ guides. It is her intention to use her gifts as a messenger as well as to teach others how to develop their own intuitive abilities. She is a certified Reiki practitioner and a licensed minister, and was a teacher for 10 years before beginning this work. She lectures and sees clients at metaphysical fairs around the country; has donated her time to fund-raisers for the Ronald McDonald House and The Unity Church of the Triangle; and has supported Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship in several ways, participating in our annual fund-raising Psychic and Healing Fairs (including our next one, on June 7) and donating the March 2011 raffle prize. She has offered another raffle prize, a one-hour intuitive counseling session, for our August 2 program; and the door prize at this event is a chakra balancing session with her.
Stephanie lives in Chapel Hill; she continues to enrich her knowledge of metaphysics and quantum physics, loves to travel, and enjoys parenting her three sons, who are now approaching adulthood. To learn more about her and her work, visit her website,
Audio Preview: