Audio Recordings

Susan Geringer Ph.D ~ Using Trance States for Higher Guidance and Spiritual Acceleration ~ October 2, 1997


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Susan Geringer Ph.D

Using Trance States for Higher Guidance and Spiritual Acceleration

October 2, 1997

For some it may feel like a profound leap and for others it may be a gtadual stepping up of energy, but regardless of our level of splritual development, Susan Geringer Ph.D promises an acceleration of our awakening and vibration at the Oct.2 meeting. She plans to use what she calls.”a Practical process of entry
into Alpha and Theta brain wave levels” to produce a trance-like state that can open our minds to a new level of spiritual goals.

Susan, an intuitive psychotherapist hypnotherapist and trance medium with a private practice in Raleigh, says we can expect to:
access personal guidance from an internal Spirit Guide

  • receive high knowledge on many matters
  • recall subconscious memories
  • send or receive healing energy
  • begin telepathically sensing other people
  • clear away blocks or negativity that holds you back
  • tune into a higher awareness of your own Divinity

“I invite you to join in these journeys of expansion to feel more secure in the Universe, in the Love and connection that you
have available,” she said. Susan, known for her Thursday night radio call-in show, has led more than 700 workshops and seminars over the years for
industry, business, community organizations and universities. She offers a wholistic perspective and approach to her consulting.

Susan’s radio show, Heart & Soul, is heard in the Triangle on Station WSHA 88.9 from 9 to 10 am Thursdays and features what she calls “multidimensional perspectives.”


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