Event Recordings

Tammy De Mirza ~ The Teachings Beyond the Laws of Attraction ~ November 2, 2017



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Tammy De Mirza, who is an intercessor, medium, teacher, mentor, speaker and author, will visit SFF for the second time to speak about “The Teachings Beyond the Laws of Attraction.” She will discuss the secrets behind those teachings and the truth of how they work.

Tammy has used these principles to manifest many things in her daily life with ease. She learned how to “think better thoughts” with self-discipline and being mindful of what the physical realm was showing her and what she really wanted. Miracles were happening, but when it came to the things that mattered the most to her personally, she could not manifest or change them and this contrast brought her great pain. She began to question God/Source about the conscious mind vs. the subconscious mind and a beautiful journey of discovery began. She will share her personal struggle and the teachings she received with everyone at SFF on November 2.

Tammy is enthusiastic about sharing the principles and truths she has received so that others can achieve their hearts’ desires. She has learned that human desires are on purpose and Divine by nature. She says that once we understand the difference between fear and love energy, and discover how to overcome our resistance within, we can recognize, embrace and easily manifest our desires. She may call on audience members to assist, while she is sharing these principles.

During the second half of the program, Tammy will invite members of the audience to ask questions to obtain inner guidance, using a format similar to an Abraham Hicks Q&A. Tammy’s unique approach is to provide personal information to help individuals realize that they have choices. She has found that what people ask is far more involved than what comes out of their mouths. Her talent is to reach beyond the “bone and marrow” of what someone is asking and to read the “heart and soul” of the matter so they can understand what they truly want and need to know, which is often hard to express.

During a Q&A for SFF two years ago, Tammy recalls assisting a woman who asked her what to do about a difficult relationship.   Tammy assured the woman that she had the answers herself and helped her realize the extent of what she already knew. Shortly afterward, the woman asked Tammy to become her mentor. Through additional awareness and insight gained in private sessions, the woman left that relationship and went on to find her life’s purpose. She recently moved to Costa Rica, free to follow her dreams.

Tammy is dedicated to helping people become closer to God/Source and to Oneself in order to tap into one’s inner guidance and to know that each of us has the answers within. She gently guides others to find their own answers, empowering them to choose what they wish consciously instead of unconsciously.

Through her spiritual journey, Tammy has become what is known as an alchemist. For more than 46 years, ever since she was 11 years old, Tammy has been using her gifts as a medium, intuitive, teacher, and guide to help thousands of clients heal from past traumas and discover who they truly are. She helps clients by perusing their “garden of life” to reveal the truth about the predicaments they face. By gently disclosing details she could only know with the help of God/Source, she guides people to understand where their problems began and how they have cycled through repeated scenarios and relationships. This information empowers clients with the knowledge that they can forgive and choose again. It also gives them a deeper understanding of how much they are unconditionally loved. Seeing her clients’ predicaments alongside their Higher Selves, she works to reveal the spiritual purpose of their issues and ways to overcome them. Her clients say she is a true guide to help them go home to God/Source and thus to themselves.

Tammy lives in Chattanooga, Tenn., and her first book, titled The Inmate and the Medium, is a true story about how her life changed while she was providing guidance to help spiritually and literally free an inmate named Phil, who had served more than 24 years of a 50-year prison sentence. While Tammy was assisting Phil, a predator stole all of her money and she found herself homeless. This book is a personal testament of how God/Source taught Tammy to overcome the world economic system and to get herself spiritually and emotionally free by overcoming her own fears, while helping Phil on his path to freedom. This memoir reveals Tammy’s journey and provides evidence that, if she can overcome so many difficulties, anyone can. (The book, published in August by Balboa Press, will be for sale at SFF for $13.99 in softcover and $30.95 in hardcover.)

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