Event Recordings

What’s Your “Sign” in the Tarot? An Introduction to the Tarot Profile ~ Beth Owl’s Daughter ~ October 2, 2014



Beth Owl’s Daughter

What’s Your “Sign” in the Tarot? An Introduction to the Tarot Profile

October 2, 2014

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Beth Owl’s Daughter, a passionate, lifelong Tarot practitioner, is on a mission for everyone to know their Tarot Soul Card as easily as they know whether they are a Sagittarius or Taurus.

Everybody is familiar with the idea of the Tarot reader shuffling and laying out the cards, and then interpreting their meanings. But did you know that anyone can instantly connect to the Tarot, without memorizing all 78 cards? Did you know there is one card that is your lifelong archetype and guide, given to you by the timing of your birth?

Similar to the Sun sign in astrology, based on your date of birth, you have a Tarot “sign.” This card is your Soul Card. It reflects a deep energetic signature that has been with you your entire lifetime. It can illuminate much about your soul’s mission and the karmic work that you have incarnated to do.

You also have a Personality card that examines how you are incorporating your life’s lessons and adapting to the circumstances you have been given. And for some of us, there is also a third card that is your Shadow, or Teacher card.

The Tarot is a unique combination of centuries of esoteric lore, wisdom, and understanding of the human condition – all conveniently packaged into a system of art and symbols.

Like your Sun sign of the zodiac, it is incredibly easy to figure out your personal Tarot cards. Your Tarot profile offers you a wealth of profound insight and understanding. Even for experienced Tarot users, this is a way of working with the cards that is just beginning to gain attention. And for the uninitiated, it is a fun, easy, and satisfying way to approach the Tarot.

By the end of our evening with Beth, we will have access to some of the Tarots most powerful and personal insights.

Beth Owl’s Daughter is a seer and guide in the non-ordinary realms. Since 1972, reading, teaching and writing about the Tarot has been her passion. She is a trained intuitive and respected by her peers as an outstanding teacher, writer, leader, and master-level Tarotist.

Beth belongs to several professional Tarot organizations, has served on the Board of Directors for Cherry Hill Seminary, is an award-winning blogger, is founder and organizer of one of the world’s oldest and largest Tarot social groups, and has published hundreds of articles on Tarot and the magical arts. Her readings will help you live in balance, focus your creativity, and manifest your vision. Learn more about Beth and her work at www.owlsdaughter.com.



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