Event Recordings

Wicca – Evolution, Practice & Perspective ~ Tamara Davis ~ October 1, 2015



Wicca – Evolution, Practice  & Perspective

Tamara Davis

October 1, 2015

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Video Preview Clip [youtube]http://youtu.be/2G-UuBInLps[/youtube]

Are Wiccans and Witches the same thing? Are they Pagans? Is there a difference? Spend an enlightening evening with Tamara Davis, a Pagan by birth, and learn how a modern religion evolved from its ancient shamanic Pagan roots. You will learn about Wiccan beliefs, what the different traditions are, and how they are practiced.

Walking through the Wiccan year, Tamara will describe how a Wiccan’s worship and traditions are shaped by the seasons and nature. She will explain how the eight Sabbats and monthly Esbats (Full Moons) are celebrated, and also discuss the true roles of spells and magick. We will see how the media’s sensational depictions of Wicca and Witches have affected the real religion of Wicca.

Tamara refers to her path as one of a Spiritual Nomad, enjoying the study of many different traditions flavored by her heritage in Pow-wow magic and honoring the Fae. She currently holds the position of Chair of the Council of the Church of the Earth in Raleigh, where she teaches classes and workshops and occasionally leads rituals. Tamara is a staff member of Pagan Pride Raleigh, and a founding member of the South Wake Spiritual Community.

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