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Diana Henderson ~ 2011: Building the Foundation for Ascension ~ Jan 6, 2011

January 6, 2011
7:15 pm EST
- 9:30 pm EST

Diana Henderson

2011: Building the Foundation for Ascension

Jan 6, 2011

Each year carries its own vibration, bringing with it the opportunities and challenges associated with that energy. In 2011, the Universe offers heightened energy for building the foundation for ascension, or higher consciousness.

In our annual forecast for the year ahead, Diana Henderson will present her intuitive outlook and angelic perspective for 2011. Using several tools of the intuitive, including runes and numerology, in addition to messages from the angels, she will examine the energy and opportunities available in 2011.

Ascension in this context means the act of lifting ourselves beyond three-dimensional limitations and fear, arising into the truth of our spiritual essence, and creating a life on Earth that is permeated with peace, abundance, and joy. In order to reach that state, which most of us seek, we must create an appropriate framework for shifting upward. The coming year provides ideal energy on which to base future fifth-dimensional wholeness. It’s a year to resolve conflicts, take responsibility for our lives, and clear the aspects that aren’t serving our highest good. In addition, 2011 brings the tantalizing possibility of resurrecting the truest dream of what our lives could be and of making actual strides toward bringing that dream into physical being.

Diana will begin with a meditation to align with the vibration of 2011. Her presentation will include an exploration of the energies, opportunities, and challenges we may encounter in 2011, and a channeling of the archangels and other light beings who wish to share guidance for the year.

Diana Henderson is a long-time friend of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, both as a past board member and as a speaker. She is a healer, teacher, and messenger who focuses on opening people to their own healing and intuitive gifts and enhancing their spiritual connection. She offers energetic therapy and cleansing to promote wholeness, balance and harmony, and intuitive guidance aligned with the higher self. Her classes empower her students to heal and energize their destinies; she teaches Reiki classes and offers workshops on angels and archangels, crystals, energetic cleansing, intuition, DNA activation, and more. Through channeled guidance from the Council of Light, Diana was led to found the Order of Archangel Michael in 2002. She and her husband, Drew Becker, hold group initiation and activation ceremonies for the Order.

On the second Thursday each month, Diana leads “A Gathering of Angels” at Dancing Moon Books & Gifts in Raleigh ( http://angels.meetup.com/75/ ); the next event is on January 13. Learn more about her and her work at www.DianaHenderson.net and www.OrderOfMichael.com.


January 6, 2011
7:15 pm EST - 9:30 pm EST


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