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Psychic & Healing Fair ~ June 7, 2018

June 7, 2018
5:45 pm EDT
- 9:30 pm EDT

Our Annual Fundraising Event


Our 2018 Psychic & Healing Fair features about 25 of the area’s top metaphysical practitioners and holistic healers who are donating their time and talents to help raise money to support our operating costs. All proceeds will go to SFF to help us continue to bring top quality speakers to our metaphysical community. This much anticipated annual event brings together:

  • Intuitives and Readers here  – Akashic Records, Animal Communicaton, Astrology, Angel Card Readings, Angel Therapy Sessions, Runes, Tarot and more…
  • Healers and Bodyworkers here -Shamanic Healing, Angel Therapy, Reflexology, Matrix Healing and more….

General Information

Location: Unity of the Triangle, 5570 Munford Road, Raleigh, NC

Admission: FREE

20-Minute Session Tickets – Price when sold to and for the same person.

Tickets go on sale at 5:45 pm. Come early for the best selection of practitioners and time slots.

1 Ticket                          ($25 per ticket)                         $25

2 Tickets                        ($25 per ticket)                        $50

To get the discounted prices below, 3 – 5  tickets must be purchased at the same time.

3 Tickets                         ($20 per ticket)                        $60

4 Tickets                         ($20 per ticket)                        $80

5 Tickets                          ($20 per ticket)                        $100

How It Works

  • 5:45 PM:   Tickets go on sale
    1.  Before you can purchase a ticket you must sign a Disclaimer Form and receive a numbered wrist band to be worn during the Fair.
    2. 20-Minute Session Tickets will be sold on a “first-come, first-served basis” in numerical order according to the “numbers” on the wrist bands.
    3. You may purchase one or several tickets, and you may purchase additional tickets throughout the evening if sessions are still available.
    4. Purchasing back-to-back tickets with the “same practitioner” is not allowed.
    5. In order to receive the multiple ticket discount (3 or more tickets purchased for $20 each), you may purchase tickets only for yourself.
  • 6:30 PM:   20-Minute Sessions begin
  • 7:50-8:10 PM:   20-Minute Break
  • 9:30 PM:   20-Minute Sessions end

Changes From Our Usual Presentation Format

  • There will be NO early meditation and NO refreshments provided; however, SFF will provide artesian spring water for FREE.
  • You are welcome to bring a snack or meal to eat in the Fellowship Hall, but ONLY during the break from 7:50 until 8:10 p.m. Our Healers and Bodyworkers will be using this room at all other times during the event.
  • You may also enjoy a snack anytime you wish at one of the picnic tables located in the back of the building. Just walk through the breezeway between the buildings to get there.
  • Remember, no food is allowed in the carpeted areas of the church; however, water is allowed in the carpeted areas in closed containers.

Come early and join the fun!

Below are our amazing SFF Psychic & Healing Fair practitioners.
They include 17 readers and intuitives, plus six healers and bodyworkers.


 Intuitives and Readers


Beth Owl's Daughter_2014_144x211Beth Owl’s Daughter will offer Tarot and intuitive readings to help you live in balance, focus your creativity, and manifest your vision. With over 40 years’ experience, she is a master-level Tarot practitioner recognized worldwide by her professional peers as a leader, teacher, and trained intuitive. She is the founder and organizer of one of the world’s largest Tarot social groups and has published hundreds of articles on Tarot and the magical arts. www.OwlsDaughter.com






Chuck Rich will give angel Oracle card readings to assist with relationship, career and other life issues. Chuck is certified in angel card reading and angel intuition and healing by Marcia & Jack Hebrank, who were certified by Doreen Virtue. He is also certified as a Reiki master teacher and archangelic light master by Vickie Penninger. Chuck has a Ph.D. on counseling.






Dee Shell Dee Shell will offer Tarot and intuitive readings that may delve into areas involving relationships, self-exploration, vocation and even relocation. A Tarot master, Dee is a spiritual and intuitive counselor, astrologer and Reiki master teacher. She has been teaching and offering intuitive counseling for more than 25 years.






Diane Brandon will give intuitive readings, incorporating essence reading, including such topics as life purpose, path, career, relationships, direction, spiritual/personal growth, children, passed-on loved ones, and/or dream interpretation. Diane has literally been spiritually aware since birth, always having remembered being with God/Source/Spirit before coming here. She is an integrative intuitive counselor, teacher, spiritual coach, and mentor, and the best-selling author of four books, including her most recent, “Born Aware:  Stories & Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth.”  http://dianebrandon.com/





BethWilson_144x199Elizabeth Wilson will give a holistic astrology or Tarot reading that may include the areas of relationship, self-exploration, vocation, and even relocation for new personal understanding and growth. She has been a professional astrologer with over 30 years’ experience, an Interfaith minister, a founding member and past president and current member of the Network of Triangle Astrologers, NCGR Chapter. Elizabeth is experienced in Tarot and several spiritual and energetic healing modalities, including Reiki, labyrinth facilitation, feng shui & space clearing. ecwilson888@gmail.com or twilson851@aol.com





Izzy Zarrillo will offer intuitive messages. She is a channel of healing intuitive messages regarding all areas of life, including love, soul purpose, mission, and spiritual evolution from the archangels, angels, ascended masters and her guide, Anara, an 11th dimensional being. Izzy is also a writer, Reiki master teacher, yoga and meditation teacher, sound healer, advanced level student of Whyte Light Center, and archangelic light master. Izzy.zarrillo2@gmail.com






June Crane will offer mini-astrology sessions. June is a professional astrologer, intuitive consultant and teacher with more than 25 years of experience. Her compassionate advice on issues ranging from business to personal has earned her the trust and confidence of a national clientele. www.starpathz.com






Magdalena Young will offer Tarot readings based on specific questions you wish to ask, (Should I take this job? What do I need to know about my current relationship?), an area of life you wish to explore (family, relationship, career, etc.), or your desire to open up and see what spirit wants you to know. She has been reading cards, practicing astrology, and studying the Kabbalah for over 30 years in South Africa. Magdalena is now bringing her practice to the United States. www.12soulsteps.com





OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMarcia McCollum Hebrank, MSW “Moon” will offer Angel Therapy® sessions that include an angel card reading and healing with the archangels. You’ll receive information to help you make wise decisions to help you evolve, heal, and live a fuller, more prosperous life. Moon will connect with your guardian angels, the archangels, ascended masters, and at times loved ones in spirit. Moon is a Doreen Virtue trained & certified Angel Intuitive®, guest faculty member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, intuitive counselor, medical intuitive, spiritual healer, shamanic practitioner, and teacher of healers at One Light Center in Durham, NC. www.onelight.byregion.net





Maureen Bresnahan will offer Tarot card readings. She uses guided imagery, dream interpretation, and Tarot card readings to tap into the unconscious, as well as subpersonality work and other modalities.  Maureen empowers clients to become aware of outworn, dysfunctional patterns so they can make different choices, and evolve and unfold into their true nature.  She is a Reiki practitioner and has mediumship skills.  Maureen is new to this area; she was a therapist in private practice and a crisis/addiction counselor in New Jersey and Virginia.  mollybres@yahoo.com





Nancie Welsh Benson will offer money readings focused on helping you get fully into the flow of money in your life or in your work so you can have the money you want and the relationship with money that you want. She is an intuitive business strategist with 25+ years in finance, a practitioner and instructor in ThetaHealing® and is a Usui Reiki master teacher who also works with energy clearing techniques. www.NancieBenson.com






SONY DSCPhilip Young will offer 10-card Tarot readings to help you analyze your present situations and think about them in creative and critical ways. Such readings are very much “in the moment” experiences, answering immediate questions like “What kind of relationship is best for me?” or “Am I doing the right work in my career?” Philip Young has been practicing Tarot reading since 1992 and is a professional spiritual adviser with a full-time practice in Cary NC. www.blackunykorn.com






Rick Noriega, also known as Hawkeye, will offer intuitive readings, using a mix of Tarot and Oracle cards and a pendulum, to deliver healing, insight and guidance for the greater good. Rick comes from a long line of curadors (the Spanish word for healers). From an early age, he has felt and seen the presence of spirits and energies.






Stephanie Massengale will offer channeled messages from Arya, a loving 5th dimensional being from the Arcturus star system. You may ask Arya any question on any topic related to yourself or questions about the Universe. Arya is very knowledgeable on a variety of topics. Stephanie is a oneness blessing facilitator, an Akashic records reader, and has been trained in archangelic light. She has 10 years’ experience in metaphysics, has had two near-death experiences, and has provided more than 5,000 readings. www.intuitivewisdomtoday.com





Steven Rogat is a clairvoyant, thought field therapist, medical-emotional intuitive, metaphysical consultant, spiritual and shamanic healer, and numerologist, who will provide a consultation in your choice of modalities, or a combination. He is a licensed professional counselor and personal growth facilitator with over 30 years’ experience in the healing arts. His work has been well-received by spiritual, educational and business organizations internationally.  www.CreativeThought.org





Susan E. Seidman is an animal spirit whisperer who will offer animal communication sessions to help you hear what your beloved animal companions want to tell you and/or what you need to know. Susan is an intuitive empath who has followed a path of healing since she was a young child. She is a long-time energy worker experienced in many modalities that assist all beings to shift into a state of peace, balance, harmony and healing. Bring a photo of your animal companion and a list of your questions. A cell phone photo is fine.  www.all-one-spirit.com 





Healers and Bodyworkers

Aaron Gustwiller will offer emotional energy release with shamanic and Reiki healing.  He will use shamanic and Reiki techniques to help you release heavy energies related to your emotions while having a mutual conversation with you to do so. Aaron is a shamanic practitioner and Reiki master. His spirit guide moves his fingers while he telepathically communicates with her to relay messages to you for your healing. www.divineguidedhealing.org





Alice Hough 144x192

Alice Hough will offer shamanic tracking for problems or issues you are ready to change. A shaman tracks energies just as a hunter tracks an animal. Holding you in sacred space, she will track your issue at four levels, so you see it with new eyes, offering insight and clarity about your soul’s journey and the choices you face. Alice is a western medicine woman, initiated by the Q’ero shamans of Peru into their ancient lineage.  www.dancingmoonraleigh.com/wordpress/healers/





Lori Diebold will offer angel therapy sessions and angel card readings. Her goal is to offer loving guidance that is compassionate, encouraging and empowering. Lori is a master metaphysical practitioner, Rohun therapist, Reiki/master teacher, healing facilitator, archangelic light practitioner, and certified intuitive. She has completed certifications in mediumship, in-depth and advanced channeling at the Arthur Ford International Academy. She is a certified angel intuitive healer. ‪www.thehealingheart.love




Marsha Walters, Ph.D. will offer personal transformations for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies in the order of priority for your lifestream. Dr. Walters is a medical intuitive, psychic surgeon and certified theta healer who works with the angels and ascended masters in the quantum field. She is also certified in matrix energetics, Reiki, foot reflexology, consciousness systems and biomechanics.  She has developed her own healing modality called  “Healing with the Field.” Come with an intention to experience something in your life differently or just see what shows up. www.marshawalters.com





Sharri Gaines will offer integrative foot reflexology, a form of hands-on acupressure that stimulates points of life force energy (chi) to enhance the body’s internal healing systems. She trained with Claire-Marie Miller and has been in private practice for 17 years. She is a Reiki energy practitioner, an Asheville Yoga Center graduate, and a teacher of hatha yoga for 19 years.  www.SharriGaines.com







Vickie Penninger will offer energetic cord cutting. This process severs and dissolves the damaging tentacles of energetic connection that we have with others (including institutions and family lines) from the past, present and into the future. This leaves room for the positive connections to thrive. Please wear a two-piece outfit as sacred water will be applied to the abdominal area. Vickie is a healing facilitator and teacher of many energy healing modalities. She studied with shamans in Peru and is a Mesa Holder in the Incan tradition. www.TheReikiChannel.com







June 7, 2018
5:45 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT
Event Category:




Unity of the Triangle
5570 Munford Road
Raleigh, NC 27612 United States
+ Google Map

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