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Secrets of the Mystics in All Religions ~ Lee Lawrence

October 3, 2013
8:00 am EDT
- 5:00 pm EDT

The teachings of the various religions are, in essence, philosophies on the anatomy and physiology of the human soul and how it interacts with the higher consciousness, referred to as “God,” “Allah,” “The Divine,” or in other terms. Gandhi said, “After a long study and experience I have come to these conclusions: that all religions are true, all religions have some error in them, all religions are almost as dear to me as my own Hinduism. My veneration for other faiths is the same as for my own faith.”
Admission $10; $8 seniors & students

Lee Lawrence provides an understanding of the greater whole, or common truths, within the mysticism of all faiths that will integrate religions into one body of knowledge without discounting any of them. He’ll outline the various aspects of souls and how they function, and describe how prayer, meditation, fasting, forgiveness, spiritual trance states, and other spiritual practices relate to growth of the soul for seekers on all paths, whether Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, agnostic, atheist, or others.

Far from merely an academic exercise, this talk is designed to help us figure out who we are and to feel good about it; to accept and love all parts of ourselves, without judgment; to remove the obstacles to loving ourselves. The value systems we learn from our families of origin may be good, bad, or indifferent, but as long as they are externally rather than internally held, we are not free. Lee will touch on a range of topics that may include these, or others, depending on the interests of the audience:

  • Why some disciplines are common to all faiths
  • Why Sufi mystics spin (Whirling Dervishes)
  • Why yoga works
  • Law of Attraction: how thoughts manifest or how, when they don’t, they may not be in your highest interest
  • Attachment vs. non-attachment
  • How breath work enhances all disciplines.

Lee’s insights evolved through his ability to read souls and his using it as a research tool. He combines his intuitive gifts with knowledge from studying religion, psychology, and neuroscience to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. His 20 years’ experience reading souls has revealed a deep understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human psyche. He perceives human consciousness and stored memories as physical, tangible objects; as part of his presentation, he will demonstrate—with audience volunteers—how these memories are anchored in and manifest the human physical body.

An experienced and enthusiastic presenter, Lee’s ability to read the stored memories in people’s soul fields has amazed audiences internationally. He is on the board of directors of the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies, Inc. (ASPSI), and spoke at its conference in 2010; he is an internationally known medical and psychological intuitive, and offers private soul readings to clients who have attended his workshops. He was interviewed for the 2011 DVD Kundalini, a documentary film featuring this ancient knowledge and the people who have unlocked its energetic force. He lives with his wife in Pennsylvania and in Chapel Hill. Lee last spoke for SFF in February 2012 and has participated in our last two Psychic & Healing Fair fund raising events.  Learn more about him and his work atwww.TheScienceOfTheSoul.com.

Angel door prize – free

Lee has donated a copy of the DVD Kundalini, in which he is interviewed, and two free admissions to one of his Saturday workshops.

This month’s raffle! – $5

Enter to win Ascension Art by Diana Henderson, a set of seven Chakra Balancing Templates for the Golden Age, valued at $105. They are guided by Spirit to assist in hastening higher consciousness and deepening spiritual connection; working with the prints in meditation may help to clear the blockages within the energy centers and awaken the gifts associated with each chakra. The Heart Chakra Template is shown; to see all of them and read their descriptions, visit Diana’s Ascension Art page.


Diana is a healer, teacher, and messenger who focuses on opening people to their own healing and intuitive gifts and enhancing their spiritual connection. She offers energetic therapy and cleansing to promote wholeness, balance and harmony,  and intuitive guidance aligned with the higher self. Her classes empower her students to heal and energize their destinies; she teaches Reiki classes and offers workshops on angels and archangels, crystals, energetic cleansing, intuition, DNA activation, and more. Through channeled guidance from the Council of Light, Diana was led to found the Order of Archangel Michael in 2002. She and her husband, Drew Becker, hold group initiation and activation ceremonies for the Order. Learn more about her and her work at www.DianaHenderson.net.

Early meditation – free

6:30 – 7:00 PM

Come early and treat yourself to an extended meditation led by Diana Henderson, a gifted healer, teacher, and messenger. She is typically guided in her meditations by the energies of the group, lovingly assisted by The Angels of the Light, who accompany her in all aspects of her work.

Refreshments – free

We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact Info@Spiritual-Frontiers.com. 

Tom Hildebrand brings us delicious artesian spring water from Siler City each month. You’ll find details on how to purchase this water at http://happyhillspringwater.com/

Spend Saturday with Lee

Lee will hold two workshops on Saturday, October 5: The Science of the Soul: Healing Traumatic Memories from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m and Understanding Relationships and the Chemistry of Attraction from 2 – 5 p.m. They are $45 each per person in advance, $80 for both; $55 each per person after Thursday, October 3, $100 for both. They’ll be held at Triangle Center for Spiritual Living; you can bring a lunch to eat at the Center or plan to go out. There are several fast-food venues in the nearby Cary Crossroads shopping center.


October 3, 2013
8:00 am EDT - 5:00 pm EDT


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