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Symptoms as Metaphors: Every Illness Tells a Story ~ Dr. Larry Burk

February 7, 2013
7:15 pm EST
- 9:30 pm EST

What if your most troubling symptom is an invitation to go on a healing adventure? Is your body attempting to get a message to your conscious mind by expressing a deeper understanding from your soul that something is out of balance in your life?
Admission $10; $8 seniors & students


In this talk, Larry Burk, MD, CEHP, will begin with insights about the symbolism of diseases, obtained from experiences with medical intuitives who are able to access knowledge about the root energetic causes of illness. Mind-body-spirit connections can be seen in any symptoms, such as musculoskeletal pain, hemorrhoids, and postnasal drip; a frozen shoulder is one of the best examples of a metaphorical illness that manifests in a physical way that can be visualized with MRI. To elaborate on this concept, he will use the example of cancer as a disease in which blocked emotions may play a role, along with other factors such as genetics and environmental toxins.

What if there is an emotional, psychospiritual component to your illness that can be addressed by simple, safe, and inexpensive mind-body-spirit self-healing techniques? If so, it might be valuable to go on a quest to explore the mysterious story your body is telling you. We can attempt to suppress illness with drugs, although that is only shooting the messenger, with the potential collateral damage of a multitude of side effects. Radiologic imaging may show a mechanical abnormality that can be repaired by surgery, but there is no guarantee that an operation will relieve the symptom if the rest of your life is still out of alignment. We pay a large price as individuals and as a society when we ignore the powerful messages that come from our bodies.

The talk will conclude with an experiential exercise to explore the metaphors related to symptoms and to create new healing metaphors.

Dr. Burk is president of Healing Imager, Inc. in Durham, NC, specializing in musculoskeletal MRI teleradiology and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). He did his medical school and residency training at the University of Pittsburgh, and was former associate professor of radiology and director of integrative medicine education at Duke University Medical Center. He is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner, and is also certified in clinical hypnosis and trained in medical acupuncture. Dr. Burk is a former board president of the Rhine Research Center and was a founding member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition. Larry’s book, Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist, was published in July 2012. He gave a lively presentation on EFT for us in 2007 and offered EFT sessions at the 2012 Psychic & Healing Fair.

While you’re waiting for this talk with Larry, you can hear him describe his healing journey in two recent interviews:

Also, learn more about Larry and his work, including his scientific articles, newspaper columns, newsletters, and video blogs, at www.LetMagicHappen.com.


February 7, 2013
7:15 pm EST - 9:30 pm EST


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