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Tools for Healing Traumatic Memories ~ Lee Lawrence
February 4, 2012
9:00 am EST - 12:00 pm EST

Overwhelming emotional traumatic memories can shackle our lives, often blocking our ability to experience unconditional love and forgiveness. When we see how memories are stored and anchored in our consciousness, we can see how illness manifests and how we can heal. Our consciousness is a physical, tangible field; once we understand how it interacts with the body, we can learn to take charge and control our own fields.
In this workshop, Lee Lawrence goes into detail about how and where psychological issues or memories of perception-forming events are stored in this field, and how they are anchored in the physical body. When we see the communication pathways of memories in the field (through the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system), we can see how the symptoms of illness and psychological patterns evolved. Lee will show us simple techniques we can use to identify our patterns and heal our wounds.
Lee explains and demonstrates, yet goes beyond, our current understanding of depth psychology (which “seeks to explore underlying motives as an approach to various mental disorders, with the belief that the uncovering of these motives is intrinsically healing.” –Wikipedia) to describe a new, powerful technique he calls “reverse depth psychology” that can, he says, greatly accelerate the healing process.
The ultimate content of the workshop will reflect the needs and interests of those attending; areas likely to be covered include:
• How defensive mechanisms such as muscle contractions that result in physical back pain or headaches are created by emotional blocking in the brain
• How an unborn child perceives and stores the mother’s memories as his or her own experiences
• How inter-generational traumas are created and passed down
• How memories are stored from an emotional perspective of the experience at the original time of the event
• How children’s misperceptions can create psychological wounds that lead to unhealthy beliefs and behavior patterns that limit them throughout their lives
• How childhood amnesia blocks the retrieval of original unhealthy perceptions
• How a reversal of the reward-punishment system can generate positive responses to being punished and negative responses to praise
• How this reversal creates a lifetime of self-sabotaging behavior, immune system suppression, or feeling “not good enough.”