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Lee Lawrence – Relationships and Energy Psychology: Understanding Love Beyond Mars and Venus ~ March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015
7:15 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT
$8.00 – $10.00

Relationships and Energy Psychology: Understanding Love Beyond Mars and Venus
Lee Lawrence
March 12, 2015
Lecture Rescheduled from March 5!
“Why am I in this relationship?” “What’s missing in my life?” “Why can’t I find the right relationship?”
If these questions sound hauntingly familiar, that’s because they are valid questions whether you are searching for someone, dating, just married, or celebrating your golden anniversary.
In this special presentation entitled “Relationships and Energy Psychology: Understanding Love Beyond Mars and Venus”, Lee Lawrence will demonstrate and explain our unconscious motivations and what creates the “chemistry of love.” Every relationship is unique, and understanding this uniqueness is the key to finding love that is fulfilling and lasting. Lee will clearly show—with audience volunteers— how energy psychology techniques can locate the perceptual programming events in our lives that have either shackled us into bad relationships, or motivated us to sabotage good relationships. With such awareness, we can at last truly set ourselves free to enjoy the benefits of healthy love.
Lee’s topics will include: understanding relationship dynamics, soul mates, the chemistry of love, types of love, and the Laws of Attraction. This talk will give new philosophical understanding and perspective on relationships to provide insight for individuals to grow into more intimate, deeper, fulfilling relationships with self and others.
Many people know Lee Lawrence as “The Man Who Reads Souls.” His ability to read the stored memories in people’s soul fields – a skill he has explored for twenty five years ever since his Near-Death Experience – has revealed a wealth of information and insight into the anatomy and physiology of the human psyche. Lee is on the board of directors of the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, Inc. (ASCS) and he is an internationally known medical and psychological intuitive.
Saturday Workshop with Lee
Lee will be doing a Saturday workshop that goes into more depth on the same topics presented in the Thursday evening presentation. The workshop will also include many demonstrations with volunteers from the group to further assist in understanding self.
The knowledge shared in this workshop is life changing. This knowledge self-empowers individuals and facilitates change to healthier relationships in the future.
Title: Relationships and Energy Psychology: Understanding Love Beyond Mars and Venus
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015
Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Where: Held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh (UUFR) in the Clara Barton Room.
Fee: $85 if pre-registered by March 12; $95 after March 12, or at the workshop.
There are several way to register for this workshop:
- Click on https://spiritual-frontiers.com/event/lee-lawrence-relationships-and-energy-psychology-march-7-2015/ to purchase tickets online.
- Email SusanHunterRealtor@gmail.com
- Call 919-616-6888
- At Thursday’s presentation – fee will be $85.
- At Saturday’s workshop – fee will be $95.
Angel Door Prize – Free
Lee Lawrence is donating a Gift Certificate for Free Admission to his Saturday Workshop “Relationships and Energy Psychology: Understanding Love Beyond Mars and Venus” – a value of $85.
In this workshop Lee shares psychological insights he has gained from applying his ability to read souls as a research tool. Lee can perceive human consciousness and stored memories as tangible objects in the energy field surrounding each person. He demonstrates how these memories are anchored in and manifest the human body, forming the basis for personality development. Learn more about Lee and his work at www.TheScienceOfTheSoul.com.
Raffle Prize – $5
Lois Cavanagh-Daley has generously donated a 50-Minute Session of Spiritual Direction to be held at a mutually agreeable time and place – a value of $75.00.
Early Meditation – Free
Lois Cavanagh-Daley will lead the group in a meditation based on the inspiring Bible verse at 1 Corinthians 13. The meditation will begin with centering, then move to higher levels of awareness, until we reach an embracing of faith, hope and love. Lois will read the chapter aloud before guiding the group through faith, hope and love using our five senses.
Lois is an ordained interfaith minister, and she is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh where she has been an active member for the past twelve years. As a follower of New Thought, Lois believes in the ability of the mind to grow, heal and forgive through Providence. Lois has completed two units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Med in Raleigh, and she will begin her third at Wake Med in January, 2015. Lois aspires to become a certified chaplain.
Refreshments – Free
We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact Info@Spiritual-Frontiers.com.
Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand
Each month Tom Hildebrand (who is also our official hugger) brings us delicious artesian spring water from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water and you’ll find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.