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Shamanism: A Healing Path of Balance and Right Relationship ~ Alice Hough

April 5, 2012
7:15 pm EDT
- 9:30 pm EDT

A shaman walks with one foot in each of two worlds—the seen, physical one and the unseen, energetic one. In her talk, Alice Hough will share the shamanic way of engaging these worlds and how shamanic practices can enhance our own experience of them.
Admission: $10; $8 students & seniors * New location *

Everything in the universe is made of energy. In the shamanic view of the world, if you want to change something, you must work at the most basic level, the level of energy. The shaman’s goal is to maintain “right relationship” (called ayni in the Quechua language of the Q’ero people of Peru) in the connection to Earth (all of life, hearing the voices of all things) and connection to Spirit (sensing Spirit in all things)—holding in balance the complementary opposites of light and dark.

To restore balance and return to ayni, a shaman works with energy and intent. One on one, a shaman holds sacred space in which a client can experience infinity, allowing for self-healing. This is accomplished through the Luminous Energy Field (LEF); we’ll learn what it is, how it affects our health, and how we can sense it in ourselves and in others. We’ll see how a shaman engages clients, and the world, on four levels:

•    The body, or literal level, symbolized by the serpent
•    Mind and emotion, or symbolic level, symbolized by the jaguar
•    Soul, or mythic level, symbolized by the hummingbird
•    Spirit, or energetic level, symbolized by the eagle.

A level II Reiki practitioner and certified Theta Healing practitioner with over 10 years experience in energetic healing techniques, Alice was drawn to study shamanism after she read Alberto Villoldo’s book Shaman, Healer, Sage and then received the Munay-Ki initiation, a traditional ceremony of the Q’ero shamans, from Vickie Penninger. She learned the shamanic medicine practices through the Four Winds Society and was initiated in Peru by the native Q’ero shamans. Her primary focus now is using shamanic energy medicine to support her clients as they transform soul wounds into sources of power. Using time-tested shamanic tools, she gently helps clients release limiting patterns and beliefs, freeing them to reclaim their grace and power and live their dreams fully. Her practice is in Cary.

Alice is also an ordained minister, a certified instructor for the Dying Consciously Project (www.DyingConsciously.org), and a long-time supporter and former board member of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship. Learn more about her and her practice under her “Energy Medicine” listing at www.KiConnections.net, or contact her atRedEarthWoman@bellsouth.net.

We live in a benign universe, Alice asserts; the world becomes predatory only when we are out of balance. “I believe deeply that the way to change the world is one person at a time, starting with myself,” Alice says. “I am still on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Who knows where it will go?”


April 5, 2012
7:15 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT


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