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URGENT WEATHER ALERT: SFF Has Postponed Tonight’s Lecture Due To Inclement Weather!

February 6, 2020
7:15 pm EST
- 9:30 pm EST


SFF Has Postponed Tonight’s Lecture Due To Inclement Weather to Feb. 13

Due to a high weather alert, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship has rescheduled tonight’s lecture with Steven Rogat to the following week, Thursday, Feb. 13. Please be careful as the alert is forecasting heavy rain and 50-60 mile per hour winds in the Raleigh area between 5 and 9 p.m. We look forward to seeing you next week.

If you bought advance tickets and cannot attend next week, we will gladly refund you. Please email chairman@spiritual-frontiers.com.

This month’s program, described below, will be held Thursday, Feb 13, 2020:

Steven Rogat – Thought Body Mapping: Learn to Heal Your Thoughts, Emotions and Body

Have you ever stopped to think how your body is an energetic manifestation of your entire life, including your thoughts, feelings, actions and experiences?

In this enlightening talk, Steven Rogat will explain “thought body mapping,” a powerful tool that reveals how all life experiences are stored in the body and how we can heal our lives using the connection between physical experiences and our thoughts and emotions. He will also demonstrate the process with a couple of healing exercises.

“By observing a person’s physical symptoms, we can discover patterns in personality, challenges they may be attracting in their life, and how they may be reacting to different situations,” says Steven, a licensed professional counselor, clairvoyant, medical/emotional intuitive and Shamanic healer with more than 40 years of experience in metaphysical and traditional approaches to healing.

Steven, co-founder of the Creative Thought Center in Pittsboro with his wife, Marcia, will explain how specific stressors, such as limiting thoughts and feelings, may reveal themselves in specific parts of the body and reflect “dis-ease” that can manifest physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He will explain how are these limitations can cause or exacerbate specific symptoms in different parts of the body as well as how these limitations may be expressed in one’s surroundings and daily life.

“Everything gets worse with stress and better without it,” Steven adds. “Using our intuitive gifts, we can see, hear, feel and know our limitations for what they truly are: lessons we are currently learning. We are on our path, but perhaps we can learn our lessons more easily, lovingly and quickly. So why not do it with love, light, and fun?”

Using imagery, intuition, positive thought and healing trance, Steven will help audience members “dis-empower” their limiting thoughts, memories and experiences, and empower positive ones. “Get ready to confidentially relate this information and energy to specific situations in your own life,” he says, recommending that participants bring pen and paper to record personal processes.

“Be prepared to effortlessly act on a personal lesson and to explore any resistance to living fully in your body and in the Light. I will help you see the stress, verbalize it, feel it with your breath, and heal it by installing lighter and brighter thoughts, memories and experiences. Then you can share the health with those around you!”

Steven plans to leave audience members with the following:

  • Specific, yet easy-to-use, tools for releasing stress in a specific part of the body and in a specific area of life.
  • Exercises to release limiting memories and install positive ones.
  • Techniques to use forgiveness as a leap in consciousness.

More About Steven

A native of New York and Colorado, Steven is known for his ability to touch others’ lives with his wisdom, insight and healing. Following extensive studies in Hindu and Buddhist meditation and in Shamanism from Celtic, Peruvian and Hawaiian traditions, he uses his natural abilities to connect with spiritual guidance as he helps others navigate a path toward health.

As a professional counselor, body worker, hypnotherapist, eye movement therapist, and thought field therapist, he participates in lectures, radio shows, metaphysical fairs, and workshops and has been well-received by health, business and educational institutions internationally. The author of numerous columns and articles, including an ongoing column in James Redfield’s Celestine Journals, he has two books available: “Healing Thoughts: Applying Therapeutic Shamanism in Your Daily Life” and “Spirit Journeys: Freeing the Soul in this Life and Beyond.”

During February, Steven will offer two workshops in Pittsboro. They are: “Thought Body Mapping: The Body/Mind in Action,” on Feb 15-16 for $195, and “Channeling, Merging and Shape Shifting” on Feb 29 for $90. Visit www.CreativeThought.org to learn more about these and other workshops, events, or private sessions, or to get on his emailing list and to peruse the Body/Mind Health Corner.

Contact Information:

Early FREE Meditation
“Sustained by Grace” by the Rev. Ana Quintana

  • Arrive Early – There is no admittance after 6:30 pm once the meditation begins.
  • Location: The Early Meditation will be held on the first floor in the Fellowship Hall where the refreshments are served during the break. Once you enter the front door, there will be signs to direct you

This meditation is aimed at creating a sacred space for experiencing “the Presence” at its fullest, says the Rev. Anna Quintana, the Feb. 6 meditation leader and the associate minister at Unity of the Triangle. Through times of quiet, words of wisdom, breathing and being, Ana intends to take you inward into the heart space to allow you to have special communion with the One. The meditation will integrate Spanish if there are Spanish-speaking people who would like a bilingual holy experience.

In addition to her duties at Unity involving education, communications, pastoral care and community relations, Ana leads a Spanish-speaking ministry within the church. She also has a thriving wedding ministry in NC, SC and Puerto Rico, her native country. Ana is considered one of the leading voices of the Unity movement in Spanish. Her radio show, De Viaje con Rev. Ana, airs on Unity Online Radio and Univision PR WKAQ580, the No. 1 station in Puerto Rico, which also broadcasts in Latino markets in the US. She is very passionate about sharing the Unity message to everyone who is ready. She is blessed to be the mother of three wonderful souls, Claire, Luc and Lauren.

Contact Information:
Facebook/Instagram: RevAna Quintana 

Angel Door Prizes – FREE

Two of Steven Rogat’s books, “Healing Thoughts, Applying Therapeutic Shamanism in Your Daily Life” and “Spirit Journeys, Freeing the Spirit in this Life and Beyond.” (Value: $8 each)

Raffle Prize – $5

A one-hour session, in-person or via telephone, with Steven Rogat. The session can include an intuitive/spiritual consultation and/or thought body mapping with healing. (Value: $60).

Free wedding, christening or group meditation by the Rev. Ana Quintana, valid for six months.

Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand

Each month we serve delicious artesian spring water from Tom Hildebrand, which comes from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water, and you can find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.


February 6, 2020
7:15 pm EST - 9:30 pm EST


Unity of the Triangle
5570 Munford Road
Raleigh, NC 27612 United States
+ Google Map




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