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Wicca – Evolution, Practice & Perspective ~ Tamara Davis ~ October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015
7:15 pm EDT
- 9:30 pm EDT

$8.00 – $10.00

Wicca – Evolution, Practice  & Perspective

Tamara Davis

October 1, 2015 Are Wiccans and Witches the same thing? Are they Pagans? Is there a difference? Spend an enlightening evening with Tamara Davis, a Pagan by birth, and learn how a modern religion evolved from its ancient shamanic Pagan roots. You will learn about Wiccan beliefs, what the different traditions are, and how they are practiced. Walking through the Wiccan year, Tamara will describe how a Wiccan’s worship and traditions are shaped by the seasons and nature. She will explain how the eight Sabbats and monthly Esbats (Full Moons) are celebrated, and also discuss the true roles of spells and magick. We will see how the media’s sensational depictions of Wicca and Witches have affected the real religion of Wicca. Tamara refers to her path as one of a Spiritual Nomad, enjoying the study of many different traditions flavored by her heritage in Pow-wow magic and honoring the Fae. She currently holds the position of Chair of the Council of the Church of the Earth in Raleigh, where she teaches classes and workshops and occasionally leads rituals. Tamara is a staff member of Pagan Pride Raleigh, and a founding member of the South Wake Spiritual Community . To learn more about the Church of the Earth visit their website at: www.cote-nc.org.

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Angel door prize – free

Tamara Davis will donate two books to be given away as a “set” valued at $24.

  • Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
    • This book is the essential primer from one of the best known authors on Wicca.
  • Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
    • This is the perfect companion containing the same concise and easily understood style as the first book.

Both books were written by Scott Cunningham who actively practiced magic for over twenty years. He was the author of more than fifty books covering both fiction and non-fiction. His books reflect a broad range of interests within the New Age sphere, where he was very highly regarded.

Raffle Prize – $5

Mariela Siwarqinti will donate a 90-Minute Therapy Session that is a mixture of Pranic Healing and Archangelic Light. This includes ample time for discussion, feedback, and coaching. It is a value of $111.

Early meditation – free

Mariela Swarqinti - 190x256 Mariela Siwarqinti will lead the Meditation of the Lotus Sutra. According to the Lotus Sutra taught by the original Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, everyone has Buddha Nature. So, what is Buddha Nature? The word Buddha means “Awakened One.” Having Buddha Nature means we all have that place within that can achieve total awakening. The Lotus Sutra explains that this nature is not limited to any gender, species, time or space. Every living being from any realm has this nature and therefore can become awakened. To get in touch with our Buddha Nature we have only to go within, and the best way to travel within is through meditation. Mariela created this meditation based on the Lotus Sutra to help you experience your Buddha Nature. Mariela Siwarqinti is a Certified Energy Healing Channeler, promoting healing by raising vibration. The Siwarqinti (Royal Hummingbird) is born in the highlands of the Andes where the wind sounds like flutes, the heart of the land beats like drums, and the soul sounds like a lonely guitar. Mariela thus grew up surrounded by wise men and wise women in her community who were supported by a large ancestry of Incas, Duchicelas, Quitus, Caras, Shyris and other indigenous cultures. Here to offer a helping hand in your journey, Mariela is a physical ally from the world of form: The Awakener guided by the grace and glory of our allies from the ethereal dimensions. Along her path, Mariela has collected healing modalities (her “wings”) to facilitate spiritual transformation, raise vibration and wellness, promote understanding, peace of mind, and joy for herself and others. See more at: www.thejourneyofthesiwarqinti.blogspot.com

Refreshments – free

We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact Info@Spiritual-Frontiers.com. Tom Hildebrand 315x463 Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand Each month Tom Hildebrand (who is also our official hugger) brings us delicious artesian spring water from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water and you’ll find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.       [include]about_tickets.html[/include]


October 1, 2015
7:15 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT
$8.00 – $10.00
Event Category:


Tamara Davis


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
3313 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27607 United States
+ Google Map


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