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Michael Sandler–Automatic Writing: Your Hotline Extraordinaire to the Universe
March 2, 2023
7:00 pm EST - 9:00 pm EST

Join SFF for its next live Zoom presentation with a highly sought-after mystical teacher, author, speaker and prominent podcast host who will teach us a surefire way to converse with Spirit to get the answers we desire. (To buy a ticket through Eventbrite, please click here.)
“The answers are always on the inside,” says Michael Sandler, the best-selling author of AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience, and the host of the Inspire Nation show, a transformational, self-help, spiritually-focused YouTube channel and podcast that has radically transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide with over 2,000 shows. “Never were more profound, or perhaps more important words ever spoken. But what do they mean? What answers? How do we get them?”
Once only available to prophets and sages, there is a process you can use yourself to talk with Spirit, or guides or angels, or even loved ones on the other side, says Michael. It’s called automatic writing.
“Automatic writing is the simplest, fastest technique to write to Spirit and get answers quickly,” he says, adding that you can use it each and every day, and over time, the communication grows so strong, you’ll be able to talk to and hear from Spirit, any time you desire.
“Imagine having a hotline to the Universe, 24/7!” he exclaims. “Automatic writing is a way to plug in to Spirit to ask anything you desire and to get the answers you need fast.”
Nearly any question you can think of can be asked in automatic writing. For example, you can ask: Where am I going? Am I on track? What just happened? Where do I go from here? Or even, are my loved ones alright on the other side?
Not only can you hear your purpose, path and direction, and find greater peace, but if you desire, you can literally speak with those who have crossed over,” he explains. “Plus of course, you can manifest at the highest level.”
In this special event with Michael Sandler, you will learn all about the automatic writing experience and how to use it to get the answers you desire.
To clarify, Michael says that automatic writing isn’t journaling, but a process where you put pen to paper, enter an almost hypnotic state, and allow the answers to spill out on the page before you, without thought, without effort, or any conscious intention. At this point, he says, your higher self, Spirit, angels, or guides, begin writing through you.
“You may not even know what you wrote until you look at the pages afterwards,” he says. “But the words will blow you away because they’ll be answers to your most pressing questions. And beyond that, they’ll be guidance truly for your highest good and the highest good of all, or something even better.”
In this event you’ll learn:
- How to quiet the mind to enter the automatic writing state.
- An intention prayer to get you in attunement for the process ahead.
- An invocation prayer to call in your angels, guides, or whomever you desire.
- The top three questions to ask.
- How to discern if the answers are truly coming from a higher place and what to do if your EGO steals the show.
- How to wrap things up.
- How to begin hearing from Spirit any time of the day.
You will also learn how to stay in this energetic sweet-spot, or higher vibratory state, using automatic writing as a vehicle for ascension, or at the very least, to carry you to a higher realm.
So come join SFF for this extraordinary event with Michael Sandler, and learn the fastest, easiest method for communicating with Spirit and having your questions directly answered.
“Automatic writing is the Spiritual GPS to help guide your life that you’ve always been looking for, and it’s never been easier,” he says. “How does it get any better than this?”
More about Michael
After being a former pro-athlete, and nearly life-long meditation practitioner, Michael experienced two near-death experiences (NDEs) that completely transformed his life. These NDEs led Michael to a much deeper understanding of the world, of spirit, and of our connection to something greater than ourselves. He calls this “getting the big picture,” and from that arose his program and Amazon No. 1 bestseller AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience, and his co-creation of the popular School of Mystics, now teaching thousands of people (Mystics in Training), around the globe.
Michael’s Inspire Nation Show can be found on YouTube, iTunes, and nearly every podcast platform out there, or at the www.InspireNationShow.com. His guests are world-class leaders, Fortune 100 CEO’s, spiritual teachers to millions and even personal coaches to rulers of countries. They’re movers, shakers and change-makers. They’ve written NY Times Best Sellers; they’ve been on Oprah; and they’ve given TED Talks with millions watching.
His best-selling book and program for turning your journaling into channeling to help you hear from Spirit, gain direction, and get unstuck, titled AWE, can be found at www.AutomaticWriting.com. His other courses and School of Mystics can be found at www.InspireNationUniversity.com
Contact Information
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/inspire-nation-show-with-michael-sandler/id1039562972
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6au6lb42bvjeQzh3W9tQFD
Google Podcasts https://podcasts.google.com/search/inspire%20nation
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/InspireNationShow
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Twitter http://www.twitter.com/inspire7billion
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Our mission is to enhance the spiritual, mystical, and metaphysical awareness and consciousness of our community by sponsoring programs that facilitate personal growth and development and a holistic approach to health and living.
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