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Larry Burk, MD, CEHP ~ Let Magic Happen: Dreaming and Tapping for Symbolic Healing
February 7, 2019
7:15 pm EST - 9:30 pm EST

February 7, 2019
“Everyone has powerful tools at their fingertips for self-healing,” says Larry Burk, a Durham-based physician with extensive training in energy healing, hypnosis, acupuncture, dream interpretation, medical intuition and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). At SFF’s February lecture, Larry will specifically explore two of those tools—dream interpretation and EFT or tapping, to help us do a better job of healing ourselves.
As an introduction, he writes:
- You can use your fingers to open a dream diary and to write down a health-related question that you would like an answer to from the dream world.
- You can tap yourself to sleep with EFT, using your second and third fingertips on the acupressure points to release any blocks you may have to healing left over from the day.
- Keep your diary by your bedside and write down any dreams you get in response to your question. Identify the most distressing parts of your dreams and use the “Dream to Freedom Technique” to tap on these important transformative messages from your subconscious.
Larry will discuss these techniques as well as his multidimensional approach to dream interpretation that includes personal, shadow, warning, sexual, social, archetypal, synchronistic, and precognitive perspectives. Some of his dream work techniques involve having people circle any words that seem to be unusual or out of place and look them up in a dictionary to check for word play or unexpected puns related to their questions. Another recommendation is to check for any recurrent theme from past dreams and pay attention to any animals that visited in the dream world. Finally, he advises people to ask themselves, “What does the dream want?” It is seriously possible, he says, that the spirit world may have a question it wants the person to answer in return.
If a shadow or dark part emerges in a dream, Larry recommends using EFT to transform it into enlightened gold. When a negative experience occurs, he says, it is as if a malware program you don’t want is installed in your acupuncture meridian system.
“Tapping on the acupuncture points,” he says, “is like hitting the delete key, so you can uninstall the program. Once the program is gone and you re-save the file, the memory will be altered forever. The next time you open the file, the pictures and story will still be there, but the program will be gone. Then your body will not respond in a negative way, so you will have emotional freedom. Once you learn how to deal with your nightmares in this way, you can address your symptoms in your physical body in the same fashion, since it is all a waking dream anyway.”
If you want to learn more directly from Larry, come to the lecture and bring a friend!
More About Larry
Larry Burk, MD and a Certified Energy Health Practitioner (CEHP), started his career with medical school and radiology residency training at the University of Pittsburgh. Over time, he gravitated toward holistic medicine and parapsychology. He was co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine in 1998 and has served as board president of the Rhine Research Center in Durham. Larry is still a consulting associate in radiology at Duke Medical Center, but also the president of Healing Imager, PC, and a dream tapping coach online and at Oriental Health Solutions, LLC in Durham. He also offers residential workshops on medical intuition and healing dreams at The Monroe Institute in Faber, VA.
Larry is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and co-facilitates the monthly Dream Group at the Rhine Center. He is certified to use EFT on the shadow issues of the lower four chakras. Larry trained in acupuncture and hypnosis, and he became a certified energy health practitioner in 2010. His background as an acupuncture practitioner and musculoskeletal radiologist gives him a unique perspective as a coach, although he no longer practices acupuncture and his part-time radiology practice is separate and distinct from his coaching program.
His book “Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist” was published in 2012. His recent book “Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases” was published in April 2018.
Upcoming Course
Larry will teach a four-week program called, “Tapping Into Health: Emotional Freedom Techniques for Self Healing,” beginning Feb. 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. To learn more, contact www.dukeintegrativemedicine.org.
- A sign-up sheet for Larry’s four-week EFT class.
- An opportunity to buy his “Let Magic Happen” book.
Facebook: DrLarryBurk
Twitter: @LarryBurkCEHP
Angel Door Prize – FREE
- The book, “Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist,” by Larry Burk, MD. This book is a spiritual adventure of magical synchronicities, scientific evidence and healing stories. It follows Larry’s adventure from academic medicine and radiology to holistic medicine and parapsychology. The book features the early development of musculoskeletal MRI and 3D CT, and the founding of the Duke Center for Integrative Medicine and the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition, as well as alternative cancer diagnosis and treatment, and guidance through dreams and shamanic journeying. Every step of the way is guided by a variety of mind-body-spirit, self-healing methods concluding with a how-to-do-it summary of the top ten techniques. (Value $16)
Raffle Prize – $5
A 75-minute Intuitive Healing/Coaching session with Lisa Litzsinger to uncover and clear old patterns and beliefs that may be restricting freedom, joy and happiness. The session may include the use of Theta healing, Reiki, EFT and essential oils. The path chosen for the recipient will be provided by the body’s highest wisdom. ($90 value)
Early Meditation – FREE – “Discovering our Dreams for Ourselves and the World” by Sara Peters
6:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Thursday, Dec. 6
- Arrive Early – Doors are closed and no admittance after 6:30 pm as the Meditation will be in session.
- Location: The Early Meditation will be held on the first floor in the Fellowship Hall where the Refreshments are served during the Break. Once you enter the front door there will be signs to direct you.
Due to a death in the family, Lisa Litzsinger will not be able to give our meditation Feb 7. Instead, we are delighted to offer a complimentary meditation by Sara Peters, a teacher of yoga and art who leads faith-based retreats and workshops as a spiritual director and Christian educator. A long-time prayer and meditation practitioner, Sara will lead a guided imagery meditation titled, “Discovering our Dreams for Ourselves and the World.”
Refreshments – FREE
We serve light finger foods and water at intermission. To sponsor our refreshments in exchange for publicity for your practice or business, contact chairman@spiritual-frontiers.com.
Artesian Spring Water from Tom Hildebrand Each month Tom Hildebrand brings us delicious artesian spring water from his home near Siler City, close to the geographical center of North Carolina. This is wonderful water and you’ll find details on how to purchase this water at HappyHillSpringWater.com.